BlockTuner (Forge Mod)
This is the forge version of BlockTuner.
If you want a fabric version, please visit this page (Fabric version is the original version of the mod. Forge version was forked from here on 2023/10/12).
If you want the data pack for older versions of Minecraft, please visit this page.
Put this mod in your mods
folder. You also need to install Forge API if you haven't installed it yet.
Server need to install the mod for it working.
How to Use BlockTuner
+ Right clock on a note block to open up tuning UI. Placing a note block while holding Ctrl
also opens the UI automatically.
to show the note of the note block at crosshair.
+ middle click on note blocks to pick up readily tuned note blocks.
Right click note blocks with blaze rods to play with right clicks without tuning.
Tuning UI
Top-right corner (from left to right)
Play mode - toggle whether the GUI will turn off immediately upon clicking a note on the piano keyboard.
Typing keyboard to piano keyboard - toggle whether you want to play the piano keyboard using your computer keyboard.
MIDI Device - Click to cycle through available MIDI input devices. The icon shows red if the device is currently unavailable. This usually means it is being used by another program.
Keyboard Mapping:
Original author
- Fabric version original author - xwjcool
- Russian - Felix14-v2 (Currently outdated)
- Japanese - misaka10843 & hakkaku