Feeding Crystallized Demon Will to the Demon Crucible with a Hopper doesn't work properly
keraldi opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
The Crucible cannot process more than one Demon Will Crystal at a time
What happens:
This occurred to me while I was trying to obtain a flavored Demon Will Crystal.
Feeding the Demon Crucible with a Hopper allows to fill it with more than one Demon Will Crystal.
However, the Demon Crucible cannot process it.
My guess is that it attemps to process a whole stack at once but fails in doing so because the chunk Demon Will Aura cannot hold more than 100 Will
What you expected to happen:
The Demon Crucible should process them one by one or let some very bad things happen because you're overloading the aura, also voiding all excess crystals in the process.
Steps to reproduce:
- Get Demon Crucible, Demon Will Aura Gauge, a Demon Crystallizer a Hopper and a stack of Crystallized Demon Will
- Place the Hopper to input into the Demon Crucible
- Put the stack of Crystallized Demon Will into the Hopper
- Take not that at most 1 or 2 Crystals are being processed
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- BloodMagic: 1.12.2-2.2.12-97
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: