Gathering of the forsaken souls ritual not working?
016Nojr opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
When using the Gathering of the forsaken souls ritual, it doesnt grow any crystals
What happens:
The ritual kills mobs, but no crystals appear in the demon crystallizer. The Demon will aura gauge doesnt show anything either.
What you expected to happen:
Demon will crystals to grow
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up the Gathering of the forsaken souls ritual
- Spawn some mobs, place a demon crystallizer
- Get a demon crucible, and put will in the chunk from a tartaric gem to get one crystal in the crystallizer.
- I guess... wait?
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- BloodMagic: 2.2.12-97
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: