Blood Magic

Blood Magic


AE2 conflicting with Blood Magic

Diuqil69 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Issue Description:

  • --------------bare minimum setup----------------------------------
  • - Me fluid export bus
  • - Me fluid storage bus
  • - Blood Altar
  • - ME Fluid import bus

  • Alright so basically all you do is setup a normal ME system to start with. I don't see any reason to post those steps do I?
  • In all actuality you just need power going through the me cables so the fluid import bus/fluid storage bus can start pulling blood out of the blood altar
  • which you can then redirect into me export bus's which are attached to tanks. which nearly filled my resonant ender tank which holds 512000mb of liquid
  • with less than 7500 mb of blood in the blood altar. Not at all sure how that math works out but it did.
  • So easy a 5 year old could do it based on the pictures alone.
  • This is just the easy setup though.
  • There is a bit more complicated setup which wont matter if the above bus's are restricted from attaching to the blood altar which included fluid me drives and
  • storage monitors and just alot of bizarre stuff I barely comprehended. So I believe the above info should be good enough for now.
  • Need any more info and I can possibly make a video tomorrow that may help, but I truly believe the pictures are worth enough words.

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • BloodMagic: 1.7.10-1.3.3-17
  • Minecraft: 1.7.10
  • Forge: 7.10?

Blood Altar has an input fluid buffer (10% of the capacity of the main tank) that it first goes into. It transfers into the main tank at a slow rate (20 LP/s at default) and needs to be increased using Dislocation Runes. So basically, working as intended!



I think he is saying that he got 512 buckets from 7.5 buckets of blood.


No, he is saying he got 7.5 buckets inside his altar and 512 in his connected big tank.


Also, @Diuqil69 this would go onto the extra cells github, not AE or BM. Make sure to link this to the other posts you made.




No problem was just showing you exactly what was up. I'm gonna go post this on Extra Cells now.


Keep in mind this is 1.7, which is no longer supported. I can't go back and bug test this.
