


This mod adds a variety of new ranged options, all centered around the general theme of 'blowpipes'.

The first and cheapest option is called the 'basic blowpipe', crafted using grass and sugarcane, which fires any kind of vanilla seed! (wheat, pumpkin, melon and beetroot seeds, each with slightly different properties.)

To select the type of ammunition, hold the blowpipe in one hand and the seeds in the other.

Secondly, with a much more complex recipe chain, is the steampunk-themed bellowcannon crafting tree:

Bellows are simple hand-held items that allow you to fire airpuff projectiles, which will break grass and crops, as well as carry any entity they hit along with them!

These can be used to craft the compression chamber, which - when provided with a redstone signal - will slowly compress air and store it. Once the signal is released, an Airpuff projectile is fired! This can easily be looped or automated using a comparator.

Further, expert weaponsmiths occasionally sell the schematics for bellowcannons, an advanced weapon that has to be assembled over the course of several complex crafting steps. Once made, however, this weapon allows you to fire high-damage raw ore projectiles (iron, copper and gold), as well as lightning rods, blaze rods and end rods, via the power of pressurized air!Be aware, however, that it has to be continually re-pressurized via shift-right-clicking. Ammo can be selected similarly to the blowpipe, by holding it in the opposite hand to the bellowcannon.

Thirdly, when wandering the End, one may occasionally come across a ruin-strewn platform floating in the 'small end islands' biome, where you can find a strange cylinder. Aeons ago, these eldritch relics were terrifying tools of biological warfare for the builders of the end cities, host to a thriving endermite nest and able to fire these as living projectiles. By capturing an endermite with the strange cylinder, this ability can be restored - turning it into an infested cylinder.

The parasitic enderleeches spawned by the cylinder's projectiles will attack any creature except each other and players holding the cylinder. If any creature is killed by enderleeches, more of the parasites will burst out of the corpse and join the growing swarm.
Be aware, though: enderleech infestations are enduring, as they lay eggs that will eventually hatch into a new generation.

Additionally, the cylinder has a secondary function that allows its wielders to escape the wrath of their leech-covered enemies: a simple shift-right-click will explosively teleport you backwards a few steps, out of range of their swords.