


Bluemap, black web page.

jbb1999 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi, I am running bluemap on sponge. Its running fine and works, the problem is the webpage. I have pre loaded a world thats a earth map and its set to world like normal. I run to update map and it updates fine. I checked the data file and it has stuff (lots of folders with Xs). I go to the website and update but its just black, my player is shown but the map is still black.

I run BlueMap-1.5.5-sponge-7.2.0.jar with sponge 7.20.

here are my config files.

##                          ##
##         BlueMap          ##
##       Core-Config        ##
##                          ##

# By changing the setting (accept-download) below to TRUE you are indicating that you have accepted mojang's EULA (,
# you confirm that you own a license to Minecraft (Java Edition)
# and you agree that BlueMap will download and use a minecraft-client file (depending on the minecraft-version) from mojangs servers ( for you.
# This file contains resources that belong to mojang and you must not redistribute it or do anything else that is not compliant with mojang's EULA.
# BlueMap uses resources in this file to generate the 3D-Models used for the map and texture them. (BlueMap will not work without those resources.)
# 2021-10-23T17:31:49
accept-download: true

# This changes the amount of threads that BlueMap will use to render the maps.
# A higher value can improve render-speed but could impact performance on the host machine.
# This should be always below or equal to the number of available processor-cores.
# Zero or a negative value means the amount of of available processor-cores subtracted by the value.
# (So a value of -2 with 6 cores results in 4 render-processes)
# Default is 0
renderThreadCount: 0

# The folder where bluemap saves data-files it needs during runtime or to save e.g. the render-progress to resume it later.
# Default is "bluemap"
data: "bluemap"


##                          ##
##         BlueMap          ##
##      Render-Config       ##
##                          ##

# The folder (webroot) where the map-data and web-application files will be saved.
# Default is "bluemap/web"
webroot: "bluemap/web"

# If the web-application should use cookies to save the configurations of a user.
# Default is true
useCookies: true

# If the free-flight-mode in the web-application is enabled or not.
# Default is true
enableFreeFlight: true

# This is an array with multiple configured maps.
# You can define multiple maps, for different worlds with different render-settings here
maps: [

		# The id of this map
		# Should only contain word-charactes: [a-zA-Z0-9_]
		# Changing this value breaks your existing renders.
		id: "world"
		# The name of this map
		# This defines the display name of this map, you can change this at any time.
		# Default is the id of this map
		name: "World"
		# The path to the save-folder of the world to render.
		world: "world"
		# The position on the world where the map will be centered if you open it.
		# You can change this at any time.
		# This defaults to the world-spawn if you don't set it.
		#startPos: [500, -820]
		# The color of thy sky as a hex-color
		# You can change this at any time.
		# Default is "#7dabff"
		skyColor: "#7dabff"

		# Defines the ambient light-strength that every block is recieving, regardless of the sunlight/blocklight.
		# 0 is no ambient light, 1 is fully lighted.
		# Changing this value requires a re-render of the map.
		# Default is 0
		ambientLight: 0

		# Defines the skylight level that the sky of the world is emitting.
        # This should always be equivalent to the maximum ingame sky-light for that world!
        # If this is a normal overworld dimension, set this to 15 (max).
        # If this is a normal nether or end dimension, set this to 0 (min).
		# Changing this value requires a re-render of the map.
        # Default is 15
		worldSkyLight: 15

		# BlueMap tries to omit all blocks that are below this Y-level and are not visible from above-ground.
		# More specific: Block-Faces that have a sunlight/skylight value of 0 are removed.
		# This improves the performance of the map on slower devices by a lot, but might cause some blocks to disappear that should normally be visible.
		# Changing this value requires a re-render of the map.
		# Set to a very high value to remove caves everywhere (e.g. 10000)
		# Set to a very low value to remove nothing and render all caves (e.g. -10000)
		# Default is 55 (slightly below water-level)
		removeCavesBelowY: 55

		# With this value set to true, BlueMap uses the block-light value instead of the sky-light value to "detect caves".
		# (See: removeCavesBelowY)
        # Default is false
        caveDetectionUsesBlockLight: false
		# With the below values you can limit the map-render.
		# This can be used to ignore the nethers ceiling or render only a certain part of a world.
		# Changing this values might require a re-render of the map, already rendered tiles outside the limits will not be deleted.
		# Default is no min or max value (= infinite bounds)
		#minX: -4000
		#maxX: 4000
		#minZ: -4000
		#maxZ: 4000
		#minY: 50
		#maxY: 126
		# Using this, BlueMap pretends that every Block out of the defined render-bounds is AIR,
		# this means you can see the blocks where the world is cut (instead of having a see-through/xray view).
		# This has only an effect if you set some render-bounds above.
		# Changing this value requires a re-render of the map.
		# Default is true
		renderEdges: true
		# With this set to true, the generated files for this world are compressed using gzip to save A LOT of space.
		# Files will be only 5% as big with compression!
		# Note: If you are using NGINX or Apache to host your map, you can configure them to serve the compressed files directly.
		# This is much better than disabling the compression.
		# Changing this value requires a re-render of the map.
		# Default is true
		useCompression: true
		# Normally BlueMap detects if a chunk has not yet generated it's light-data and omits rendering those chunks.
		# If this is set to true BlueMap will render Chunks even if there is no light-data!
		# This can be usefull for example if some mod prevents light-data from being saved correctly.
		# However, this also has a few drawbacks:
		# - For those chunks, every block will always be fully lit
		# - Night-mode might not work correctly
		# - Caves will always be rendered (ignoring the 'renderCaves' setting)
		# Default is false
		ignoreMissingLightData: true
	# Here another example for the End-Map
	# Things we don't want to change from default we can just omit
		id: "end"
		name: "End"
		world: "world/DIM1"
		# We dont want a blue sky in the end
		skyColor: "#080010"

		# In the end is no sky-light, so we need to set this or we won't see anything.
		removeCavesBelowY: -10000
		worldSkyLight: 0
		# Same here, we don't want a dark map. But not completely lighted, so we see the effect of e.g torches.
		ambientLight: 0.6
	# Here another example for the Nether-Map
		id: "nether"
		name: "Nether"
		world: "world/DIM-1"
		skyColor: "#290000"
        worldSkyLight: 0

        removeCavesBelowY: -10000
        ambientLight: 0.6
		# We slice the whole world at y:90 so every block above 90 will be air.
		# This way we don't render the nethers ceiling.
		maxY: 90
		renderEdges: true



##                          ##
##         BlueMap          ##
##     Webserver-Config     ##
##                          ##

# With this setting you can disable the integrated web-server.
# This is usefull if you want to only render the map-data for later use, or if you setup your own webserver.
# Default is enabled
enabled: true

# The webroot that the server will host to the web.
# Usually this should be set to the same directory like in the render.conf!
# Default is "bluemap/web"
webroot: "bluemap/web"

# The IP-Adress that the webserver binds to.
# Use "" to bind to all available local adresses.
# If you only want to access it locally use "localhost".
# Default is ""
#ip: """
#ip: """

# The port that the webserver listenes to.
# Default is 8100
port: 25600

# Max number of simultaneous connections that the webserver allows
# Default is 100
maxConnectionCount: 100


Closing, Issue turned out to be caused by the JEID-Mod :)