- 0
WebApp Map Icons not working
#566 opened by Virologicbody - 2
RenderManager(0): WorkerThread(0): Exception while doing some work!
#569 opened by rW79z6sP - 1
Webserver says its starting but it doesn't seem to be
#568 opened by charliehoward - 1
Feature:Add modeling map display above the bedrock at the top of Nether world
#572 opened by Baldur404 - 3
StateDumper AccessDeniedException
#573 opened by TheAceMan - 1
my map seems to be rendered but some areas are kind of faded out/grey
#575 opened by neotherack - 1
Frequent crash error in console.
#576 opened by ekul6547 - 0
Improve plugin-startup times if there are maps for huge worlds
#583 opened by TBlueF - 1
[Feature] sphere marker / custom marker shapes
#584 opened by arvitus - 3
Incorrect default values provided in configuration file comments
#586 opened by KW46 - 4
lost connection: The server is still loading, please, wait a bit and try joining again.
#578 opened by ruk13xa - 0
BlueMap CLI stops on missing version.json in 1.13.2.
#579 opened by glorboblorb - 1
Time Cycle PR closed?
#580 opened by darkcloud784 - 1
Nether only rendering up to Y90
#581 opened by darkcloud784 - 2
Rechiseled 1.20.1 Textures not applied properly
#582 opened by KreathDesu - 1
reducing RAM consumption
#594 opened by denny4-user - 2
Running as a fabric client mod?
#596 opened by mazylol - 2
MCARegion.iterateAllChunks() loop out exception log info
#587 opened by IsNott - 6
Error: RenderManager(0): WorkerThread(0): Exception while doing some work! java.util.NoSuchElementException: There is no TagType for id: 102
#588 opened by chtko - 1
[IDEA] Allow specifying map when first accessing the webapp by just providing map name
#589 opened by KW46 - 2
GPU Rendering support [Feature}
#590 opened by darkcloud784 - 1
Deactivate surface collisions in Perspective mode
#591 opened by maximecharriere - 2
Strange cli bluemap behavior
#592 opened by 1271 - 1
No registered ImageReader is able to read the image-stream
#593 opened by enncy - 0
I would like to make the 'Show chunk borders' setting default.
#597 opened by fadfhkdfga - 4
Unable to properly handle fake players who go offline
#598 opened by mcbianxiao - 3
No text editor available in Bluemap Docker container
#599 opened by drewburr - 1
Improve Marker performance
#600 opened by Zottelchen - 5
Show welcome and farewell messages to players
#602 opened by tsingyayin - 2
Carpet players dont leave the players in the webapp
#603 opened by PeHeReBe - 2
1.21.1 Fabric support
#604 opened by BrammyS - 0
Create Rendering Bugs
#605 opened by SteveMan67 - 1
Q: Is there an isometric view?
#610 opened by Lonskie - 1
Feature Request
#608 opened by xXPerditorXx - 1
Bluemap on Docker is not detecting mod resources
#609 opened by InfiniteBed - 3
A mod that is based on BRRP cannot recognize textures
#613 opened by mcbianxiao - 1
Way to make the map data creation offline
#616 opened by Logicenios - 1
Issue with the console and the "Bluemap is missing important ressources"
#620 opened by Steakacher - 4
No auto update schedule for world#minecraft:overworld
#618 opened by Vaskyy - 2
Can the Spigot version of Bluemap render items in the Forge mod?
#621 opened by Chun-QiuCC - 2
How the map is formed
#622 opened by IvanTopGaming - 5
Build from source failed if use jvm 8
#626 opened by realyukii - 1
Support to handle doing more things based on cursor position on the map...
#627 opened by XeonG - 1
Immersive weathering leaves compatibility
#628 opened by Dalethium - 1
Show mca/mcr region in debug not just chunk grid
#637 opened by XeonG - 1
Extract resources assets like model extensions into a reusable npm package
#630 opened by talks2much - 1
Unlocalised strings for non-English languages show up as localisation keys when the browser sends a non-English `Accept-Language` header, affecting both auto-detected and set-via-preference-pane webapp languages
#631 opened by akemin-dayo - 29
World changes do not appear on bluemap.
#635 opened by Samg381 - 1
How to open a web map in a browser with server ip
#636 opened by TON618OFF - 1
Feature Request: Ability to set a default icon for a marker-set
#640 opened by reishka