


Clicking on different maps of the same world does not bring to the startPos

radiant-ai opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What i did / Steps to reproduce

I have a render.conf set up like this; note the same world for two different "maps". Actually there are a lot more cities, but I include only one for the reference:

maps: [
		id: "spawn"
		name: "spawn"
		world: "world"
		startPos: [-275, -60]
		minX: -1275
		maxX: 725
		minZ: -1060
		maxZ: 940
		skyColor: "#7dabff"
		ambientLight: 0.1
		worldSkyLight: 15
		removeCavesBelowY: 59
                caveDetectionUsesBlockLight: false		
		renderEdges: true
		useCompression: true
		ignoreMissingLightData: false
		id: "city1"
		name: "city1"
		world: "world"
		startPos: [-2470217, 2541734]
		minX: -2470717
		maxX: -2469717
		minZ: 2541234
		maxZ: 2542234
		skyColor: "#7dabff"
		ambientLight: 0.1
		worldSkyLight: 15
		removeCavesBelowY: 59
                caveDetectionUsesBlockLight: false		
		renderEdges: true
		useCompression: true
		ignoreMissingLightData: false

In browser I click on maps spawn or city it switches between the maps, but it does not reset the camera position to the specified startPos.

Expected result

I expect my camera to be centered on spawn point or a city on map selection in browser.

Actual result

It just switches the map name in the URI without setting the startPos as the view position.


BlueMap Version: BlueMap-1.7.2-spigot.jar
Browser: Chrome is up to date Version 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS and web-server: integrated web server running on localhost on Windows 11


That's an intended feature actually. With that you are able to make "multiple views" for a single world and can switch between both, without it changing your position in the world.

E.g. nether with / without roof

Your issue seems to be more like that you can't select multiple regions that you want to render. To have them on one map and e.g. switch between them using markers .. And that feature is on the TODO somewhere :)