- 1
[1.16] High CPU usage for TrackedEntityMixin
#133 opened by nthxny - 2
[1.16.5] Texture Reference Chain Error - With Solution
#129 opened by dfontana92 - 1
[Suggestion] Automatically register blueprint blocks as flammable/compostable
#134 opened by Ketok4321 - 6
Minecraft not recognizing mod version
#137 opened by JacksonMan9000 - 11
Compatibility Issue with Sponge
#135 opened by RSNFreud - 3
[1.16.5] Log spam processing recipes from server
#136 opened by Kaleidio - 1
Crash report: Mod Failed to Load
#138 opened by Atlantispy - 1
Game freezes when loading world
#139 opened by GamerGaven - 1
Crash on server
#140 opened by zEpiixz - 2
Server tick loop crash
#141 opened by ManaStar - 3
Blueprint wont load.
#142 opened by GoldHeartTheOne - 2
[1.18.1] Exception generating new chunk. (Blueprint + TerraBlender issue?).
#144 opened by Gbergz - 1
Server Crashing, report references Blueprint
#145 opened by Flugel3 - 1
Leaf placement in TreeUtil does not properly set initial state.
#147 opened by SeanDougherty - 2
[1.18.2] Startup crash with Supplementaries/Snowy Spirit on 40.0.36+ of forge
#152 opened by BugmanBugman - 1
[1.18.2] Server crash upon exploring new chunks
#150 opened by BugmanBugman - 2
[1.18.2] Server conflict with Immersive Weathering
#153 opened by SH42913 - 1
Compatibility Issue World-Gen Mods
#154 opened by ToastiMan - 2
Extreme world lag
#156 opened by E-daw - 3
[1.18.2] Can't load single-player world at creation (mixins error?)
#157 opened by xenornithos - 3
(1.18.2) Crash on latest forge version
#158 opened by Inonedn - 4
[1.18.2] Prevents BOP biomes from generating on server world?
#159 opened by xenornithos - 0
Incorrect Redstone Implementation
#161 opened by Kenpari - 8
Banner pattern crash (mod incompat probably)
#162 opened by thelegitdolt - 6
All banner patterns registered by blueprint are available in the loom table even without their respective banner pattern items
#163 opened by thelegitdolt - 2
Conflict with SystemZee's "Pillagers Plus"
#89 opened by waluigi12 - 0
Conflict with Quark's LanternBlockMixin
#90 opened by Azmalent - 2
Line of sight on baby animals' hitboxes are too high
#91 opened by BlueVsRed12 - 1
#99 opened by MilkMan1776 - 1
Crash on Server Connection
#101 opened by GlacierPark19 - 4
An internal error occurred while attempting to tab-complete this command
#102 opened by jshalbrook - 1
Alleviating enchantment doesn't work when Clumps is installed.
#104 opened by MilkMan1776 - 2
Potential to have Abnormals biomes generate with vanilla methods and temperatures
#105 opened by Jams52 - 2
Minecraft crash when running better foliage and abnormals core
#106 opened by Bread1r - 1
Not all signs or boats work propperly
#107 opened by Eriador26 - 1
Compatibility with Quark Error
#108 opened by AviationMaintTech - 1
Crash with....a bunch of mods. (abnormals_core-1.16.5-3.2.0)
#111 opened by PurpleHel - 5
Crash with OuterEnd
#109 opened by TheFoxHunt - 3
Sign Changes causing problems
#112 opened by SmellyModder - 2
#114 opened by StrangerSon713 - 1
Crash Error
#113 opened by SwagStev3 - 5
[1.16.5] Broken thatch model for inner_top and outer_top
#115 opened by vectorwing - 2
Crash with Create v0.3.1c
#116 opened by FrozenToothpaste - 0
Compatibility Issue: create
#117 opened by KsarZ - 1
Updated to latest release and crashes with create for some reason
#119 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 2
Crash with latest version of Create and Abnormals core
#120 opened by Explode007 - 3
High CPU Usage for onEntityTracking with low entity count
#121 opened by NielsPilgaard - 9
Abnormals Core config crashes game
#122 opened by MiinnyEek - 1
Create mod cant work properly with latest Abnormals core
#125 opened by xinyialabamaman - 1
Will it cause other mods to crash?
#127 opened by dajiuji