- 1
Error when getting field "yawVelocity"
#1 opened by DomiIRL - 0
[Feature Request] Compatibility with mods that add different wood type chests
#36 opened by Kona1184 - 1
Suggestion: Furnace Chests
#7 opened by CyborgCabbage - 1
Bewitchment compat
#9 opened by Dejeh - 6
[Crash] Game fails to start on 1.18.2
#10 opened by aisukuma - 1
Incompatibility to Fixed Waterlogging
#11 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 2
Suggestion: Russian localization
#12 opened by Disketaa - 0
Boat choose bug
#13 opened by Disketaa - 2
Boat chest model support / or rotated chest config
#14 opened by Disketaa - 11
Texture for boat with chest
#15 opened by Disketaa - 4
[Suggestion] Added compatibility with other mods
#17 opened by Nekkok - 1
[Feature Request] Add shulker box boats
#18 opened by EGOIST1372 - 2
Spam in Console due to Modded Boats not being gracefully handled if mod is not installed
#19 opened by MagnusRevang - 3
Shadow above the boat
#20 opened by Disketaa - 2
[Suggestion] Opening invontory opens boat-chest inventory
#21 opened by Disketaa - 1
[Suggestion] sounds for furnace boat
#22 opened by Disketaa - 1
Chest and Furnace boats disappear when more than 16 blocks away
#23 opened by Gl0wstone - 1
Suggestion: Furnace boats consume their fuel source/coal
#24 opened by Gl0wstone - 2
Error while starting server/world
#26 opened by Eatham532 - 1
[Bug] Crafting chest boat makes a furnace boat
#25 opened by Eatham532 - 2
Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location boatcontainer:twigs:stripped_bamboo_chest_boat
#30 opened by Jurklein - 6
#27 opened by Kir-Antipov - 2
Ender Boat Name Bug (It show furnace boat instead)
#29 opened by ardissaps - 0
BYG Boat Support
#28 opened by ardissaps - 9
Parsing error loading recipe boatcontainer:stripped_bamboo_ender_chest_boat
#32 opened by giuliotoplad - 5
furnace in boat not working
#31 opened by corndoggoiscool - 0
[Feature Request] Breaking a Boat with Furnace will drop a Boat with Furnace
#33 opened by KarlosWGeek - 1
Chest-Boat Recipes Fail to load
#34 opened by Delfite - 0
[Enhancement] Compat with the Extra Boats mod by Anxietie
#37 opened by Yum-Muy