Botania Configurator

Botania Configurator


Botania Configurator

Config Screen
A kind of enhanced port of Botania Tweaker for 1.20.1 Fabric.
Allows pack makers to adjust most of the Botania's functional and generating flower stats!

For most of the functional and generating flowers, you can adjust:

  • Mana Capacities,
  • Mana Generation Rates,
  • Mana Usages,
  • Ranges/Radii.

Some flowers also have some sort of delay, which is also configurable with this mod.

Additional features include:

  • The ability to make any generating flower decayable.
  • Buffed Clayconia Mode (replaces Sand Blocks with Clay Blocks instead of dropping Clay balls)
  • The ability for Clayconia to convert more blocks into Clay (tag the block #botaniaconfigurator:clayconia_convertable)
  • "Spectrolus starts with a random color" option (you can prevent cheesing the flower by breaking and placing it)
  • Adjustable Mana Pool sizes.
  • Adjustable Mana Fluxfield Mana to Energy ratio.

The config is available in-game (if ModMenu is installed) or in botaniaconfigurator.json file.

Most of the changes made in-game will be applied immediately.


  • This mod achieves configurability by leeching into almost every Botania flower's code using mixins.
    If Minecraft crashes, please check whether the crash occurs with Botania Configurator uninstalled.
    If no, then it's an issue with this mod, report it in the issue tracker!
  • This mod overwrites Garden of Glass configs, if you wish to have GoG flower rates please modify the Narslimmus' and Orechid's config (the base GoG stats are specified in the config screen).


Botania - the mod that this mod is adding to.
Botania Tweaker - inspiration for this mod (the mod is on Public Domain).

MidnightLib - its config API has been used for the configuration screen.

SpongePowered's Discord - for help with some mixins.