Botania Configurator

Botania Configurator


Some small changes

anoomolu opened this issue · 2 comments


Hiya! Thank you so much for making this, I've been looking for a Botania tweaking mod for ages now, it's gonna be so helpful to balance my pack.

Two small things I wanted to mention:

  • There's a spelling error in the config (petitie instead of petite)
  • Would it be possible to add a config for the input block for the Clayconia? Imo making it turn mud into clay might fit vanilla better, skipping the boring process of waiting for dripstone drying.
  1. Already noticed that, will correct.
  2. It's 100% possible.

An update 1.1.1 has been pushed to CF and Modrinth that adds the ability to change blocks that Clayconia converts into Clay.

Tag your block #botaniaconfigurator:clayconia_convertable to make that block convertable by Clayconia.

You can also disable the standard Sand conversion in the config.