Just created a small collection of paintings because I like to have a lot of them.
The more the better, so get the paintings and decorate your world. :)
These paintings contain random things like a fisherman on a beautiful day, landscapes, ships, the ender dragon, etc.
Head to the images section to view them or just download and discover.
Also check out my other Paintings mods: "Brizzle's Anime Paintings" & "Brizzle's Mystic Paintings"
Unlike this one, the paintings in "Brizzle's Anime Paintings" are anime themed and inspired.
The paintings in "Brizzle's Mystic Paintings" are inspired by mystic stories and creatures, more for gloomy builds and modpacks
This is one of my first mods, so I decided to make a paintings mod for now. In the future, more and different mods will follow.
Please leave me your feedback or maybe wishes and inspiration for new mods :)
If you want to support me and like my mods, you can leave me a tip there <3
For the germans who stray here. Feel free to check out my Twitch: BrizzleWCBW. Maybe we will also make a mod onstream :p