Brother's Alchemy

Brother's Alchemy


Brother's Alchemy

A Food-Based Magic Mod

This mod is still a work in progress, so keep your eyes open for bugs and, most importantly, give suggestions for new spells and features.

Report bugs by creating a new issue, and give suggestions in a new discussion.

Brother's Alchemy is a Minecraft Fabric mod that adds a food-based magic system.

First, you take a diamond, 5 smooth stones, and 3 granite to make a Diamond Pulpifier. Then, you craft that (it doesn't get used up) with some raw foods like wheat, berries, apples, carrots, potatoes, etc., and get some pulp. Let's say you made wheat pulp. Okay, then you craft that wheat pulp with a bottle and get some wheat extract. Then, you craft it with a bottle and get a Fire in a Bottle. Craft one of those (hoping you made two) with another bottle (don't worry about how many bottles you're using, you get them back) and get Cold in a Bottle.

Fire in a Bottle:

Cold in a Bottle:

Diamond Pulpifier:

Spray Bottle:

Okay, now you have a Fire in a Bottle, a Cold in a Bottle, a Diamond Pulpifier, and some bottles. Craft a Fire in a Bottle, a Cold in a Bottle, and a normal bottle, and you get (two bottles back, of course) a spell called BiomeCraft. For all spells, if you use it alone, you're splashing a lot out of the container and generally not using a finite amount, so you can only use it twice. But, if you put it in a spray bottle (made with 3 gold, 4 copper, and a bottle) by putting it in your off-hand, the spray bottle in your main hand, and right-clicking, you can use it 16 times.


Well, that's just for spells. You can also use the pulp with a couple of wheat and make yourself some cookies, or with a teacup and make yourself some tea. Tea has a longer, weaker effect and cookies have a shorter, stronger effect, with the effect decided by the type of tea and cookie. Wheat cookies and tea give fire resistance, for example.


  • Q: May I use this mod in my modpack?

    • A: Okay, first of all, it's still a WIP. Second of all... what else are mods for but to be used in mod packs? So that's a "yes."
  • Q: Is or will this mod be available for older versions of Minecraft?

    • A: Ahh no. Well maybe, if enough people want it. But I mean, there's plenty of other magic mods for older versions, right?
  • Q: Will you port this mod to Forge?

    • A: No. I don't plan to.

No reuploading, no claiming this as yours, no paywalling this mod's content in a server, etc.

This is made under the MIT license.

Other mods by me:

MC-Extended: Vanilla+


The Zombie Mod


The Skinning Mod
