Brother's Alchemy

Brother's Alchemy


Infused Foods

BarchamMal opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Add some new foods which are made is a Alcoochical and give powerful effects when eaten, of course, they're not easy per se, to make.

Netherish Nourishing Bread, gives Swiftness, Haste, Strength and Fire Resistance, levels 2, 2, 1, 1, respectively, each for 1 minute. Takes 3 Fire extract, 2 Sweet Berry Extract, 2 Energy In a Bottle, 1 Sugar Extract. Based on bread.

Aquatic Stew, gives Dolphin's Grace, Water Breathing, levels 2 and 1 respectively, each for 3 minutes. Takes 4 Seaweed Extract, 2 Energy In a Bottle, 2 Chorus Extract. Based on Beetroot Soup

I'll think of more later.