Brother's Alchemy

Brother's Alchemy


Ancient Kitchen

BarchamMal opened this issue ยท 0 comments


You know how all the other magic mods haw like ancient libraries, or dungeons, or something which is an ancient structure which you can get magical artifacts or spell books or ingredients?

Well Brother's Alchemy will have an equivalent: Ancient Kitchens. Kitchens made by ancient civilizations which have long fallen into ruin, but there still may be:

  1. Ancient spices, I could add some use for spices which would be found in these Ancient Kitchens.
  2. Lots of extracts, I could have a chest or two which has extracts and "In a Bottle"s.
  3. Super Cool Decor Blocks, I have got to add some decor blocks, all the other magic mods add them.
  4. Infused Foods, Theres no way this stuff goes bad! it's freekin infused with magic and stuff.
  5. Probably other stuff, who knows?

There, that cool enough?