- 2
Portable Tank does not visually fill up
#4404 opened by Cr33dC0d3r - 0
Pump tube blocks retract and extend every time the pump changes y levels
#4403 opened by LumberWizard - 4
Pumping into a quarry causes the quarry to pause
#4402 opened by Spauldo - 1
Oil and Lily Pad
#4401 opened by KollinsPlays - 3
Auto workbench make 64 items but uses just 1 item for the craft
#4400 opened by totolevelo - 7
Server crashes when player join after BC update
#4399 opened by Roodypoo0123 - 1
About the old bug
#4398 opened - 2
Copper is not Bronze
#4397 opened by PestoPosta - 2 unbreakable invisible wall
#4396 opened by NocturnalScream - 2
BC tanks and techreborn Cell
#4395 opened by NocturnalScream - 1
#4394 opened by coder-carl - 5
Performance issues caused by redstone engines, high throughput pipes, and assembly tables
#4393 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 4
Disabling Redstone Engine causes several issues
#4392 opened by twothe - 1
Another Heat Exchanger Bug
#4391 opened by Dame-E-in - 5
Game crashes when rending is halted but mouse is moved over an item
#4390 opened by twothe - 1
Heat Exchanger Stops Flowing
#4389 opened by Icewater1402 - 3
1.7.10 Forge Server Crash On Startup
#4388 opened by APerson1738 - 0
Heat Exchanger Gets Stopped
#4387 opened by Icewater1402 - 1
RF energy using (configurable by cfg)
#4386 opened by KiBergMK - 2
Autoworkbench dupe with Retro Exchange Transmutation Stone
#4385 opened by AlexIIL - 1
Invisible triple chest
#4384 opened by marcoAntonioRosa - 0
Quarry's laser getting stuck on lava
#4383 opened by marcoAntonioRosa - 7
Quarry no longer accepting power
#4382 opened by Solverbolt - 0
Chat thread issue
#4381 opened by XakepSDK - 3
Pink Oil with useSwappableSprites = False
#4380 opened by Bovive - 7
Forestry facede invalid property
#4379 opened by XakepSDK - 3
Quarry/ M.E. system
#4378 opened by aventon12 - 2
Quarry is ignoring vanilla's blocks
#4377 opened by marcoAntonioRosa - 1
Breaking the filler deletes any blocks flying through the air
#4376 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 0
Filler attempts to place saplings on stone and air blocks
#4375 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Attempted to call MapStorage
#4374 opened by bookerthegeek - 0
Mining Well ComputerCraft Miner Crash
#4373 opened by Will11690 - 4
[Suggestion] Use Forge MultiPart instead facades
#4370 opened by DjArt - 2
Crash on start
#4369 opened by InThayne - 1
Every time i reach near the peak of the fluid capacity in the combustion engine i get spammed by an error message in the top right
#4368 opened by Moichol - 1
Loading guidebook hangs on PostInitialization if moved to another monitor
#4367 opened by RaiRaiTheRaichu - 0
Bug reporting
#4366 opened by Yosho1 - 2
Crash with Charset
#4365 opened by AlexIIL - 2
Crash with matter overdrive
#4364 opened by Neuromantix - 1
Link is too big
#4363 opened by EliterScripts - 1
Heat Exchanger and Dense Oil (hot)
#4362 opened by takvorian - 2
unidentified mapping of galacticraftcore:crude_oil_still: 725
#4361 opened by PatriceBoivin - 2
7.22.91 redstone engine not rotating to mining well
#4360 opened by Raghalin - 10
Content dissapears from transport pipe, and fluid remains stuck in fluid pipe.
#4359 opened by nickper - 3
Server crash from water filling up in a giant quarry
#4358 opened by Synkstar - 5
NuclearCraft & Iron Transport Pipe Bug from Iron Drum into Super Cooler
#4357 opened by LaxSlash - 1
Oil spouts do not spawn in superflat worlds
#4356 opened by Rukia1727 - 0
Power requested trigger still active after quarry finished
#4355 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
NPE SpriteFluidFrozen
#4354 opened by The28AWG - 6
#4353 opened by ZXANXUSZ