- 3
Include the following mods or remove buildcraftcompat (same with Buildcraftlib)
#4456 opened by Wanaskiwin - 0
Advanced Crafting table and Stamping Table steal items from lumberjack robots [1.7.10]
#4455 opened by AtomBlade - 4
Lasers not working
#4454 opened by ComaGreeny - 1
Game crashing while right clicking the sterling engine
#4452 opened by Ohu2115 - 3
Crashing while loading v7.99.24.1
#4451 opened by ryan1161 - 7
Tile Entities attached to changing blocks are refreshed/deleted when first activated if adjacent to a BC Pipe
#4450 opened by tomdodd4598 - 5
bug launch minecraft
#4448 opened by luann28 - 2
crash buildcraft in tekxit 3
#4447 opened by gabriel-noro - 1
Crash with latest Galacticraft (after build 210)
#4446 opened by PromanSEW - 1
Buildcraft Conflict
#4445 opened by Leghtin - 47
Failed to compile BuildCraft
#4444 opened by aaronliu0130 - 6
1.12.2 mod conflict
#4443 opened by Leghtin - 1
Gate Intentory empty with IC2 machine upgrade
#4442 opened by stewardqq - 1
Bug 1.11.2
#4441 opened by ScarLegendary - 7
flood gate won't stop spilling water
#4440 opened by Lolozendev - 3
Pumping fuel and ore into a furnace at the same time causes the furnace to lose/forget its current inventory
#4439 opened by RedFox134 - 4
Engines aren't working correctly
#4438 opened by AnnaTheKitty - 2
Facades Not Working
#4437 opened by vizthex123 - 1
journeymap not working with ur mod
#4436 opened by zacharyhenry - 7
Issue with Facades attempting to render
#4435 opened by Desert-Dragon - 4
Pipes and other items not rendering
#4434 opened by CimexRedintegro - 6
Crash at startup java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
#4433 opened by C4J3 - 9
Buildcraft 1.12.2 crashes while loading
#4432 opened by BigMacintoshM8 - 0
Startup crash with Buildcraft, Pixelmon, and Pixelmon TCG
#4431 opened by neograymatter - 1
Rendering Screen
#4430 opened by Lach-dev - 0
[1.12.2] Guidebooks render incorrectly when also using Auto Sneak & Sprint mod
#4429 opened by DefinitelyNotFred - 1
Buildcraft requires minecraft 1.12.2
#4428 opened by evilporkmaster - 2
Iron fence / bars connect to Buildcraft tanks
#4427 opened by MatthiasMann - 2
Incompatibility with Mekanism AGAIN!
#4426 opened by IDEDARY - 1
Missing fluid pipe events
#4425 opened by AlexIIL - 2
Rendering issue with iChun's Portal Gun Mod
#4424 opened by DefinitelyNotFred - 1
Redstone engine works only when other redstone engine is on top of it. Minecraft 1.12.2
#4423 opened by MatveyM11 - 2 crash of transport pipes
#4422 opened by AbrahamArmasCordero - 0
Disabling OptiFine's "Fast render" results in black screen
#4421 opened by andtit2001 - 1
Hotbar items are "highlighted" due to OptiFine's "Fast render"
#4420 opened by andtit2001 - 1
Opening engine's interface causes crash, cannot rotate engine with wrench
#4419 opened by Chydzim - 1
Support FE for 1.12.2 !!!!!
#4418 opened by brachy84 - 1
#4417 opened by mcmso - 1
Bug with world loading
#4416 opened by Rockefeller157 - 4
Should ITankBlockConnector be moved the the API?
#4415 opened by Indemnity83 - 2
[1.12.2] Garbage facades when using "Logistics Pipes" mod
#4414 opened by El-Desconocido - 1
Duplicate key buildcraft.transport.wire.WireSystem@c1543744
#4413 opened by HumblePanther - 5
[1.12.2] Crash in Loading Forge
#4412 opened by PulseBeat02 - 1
Some of ur items making journey map fullscreen turn bluescreen
#4411 opened by zacharyhenry - 5
Crash when loading a old world without buildcraft before
#4410 opened by Kehaan - 3
AE2 can't put Facades on ME Glass Cable
#4409 opened by hullekulleka - 1
Buildcraft machines wont take eu
#4408 opened by Smegly420 - 0
Crash with gate trying to set filler pattern
#4407 opened by 128-bit-guy - 0
When drawing tanks, there is a defect in the game.
#4406 opened by dimonft - 1
[Stripes Transport Pipe]Cutting wool with scissors but no wool come out
#4405 opened by Potatoman233