A Minecraft 1.18.1 Mod that helps the player with building.
The Mod is currently still in development and unfinished. Expect a lot of bugs and unfinished things!
The mod is currently in a proof of concept state. This means everything, such as textures, recipes and functions, could completely change later in the future.
Buildinator currently has two main features: The Mechanical Tools and the Potion of Building.
Mechanical Tools
Mechanical Tools are upgraded version of the Iron Tools. They come as Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels and Hoes. They are obtained by combining an Iron Tool with a Nether Star in the Smithing Table (temp recipe).
They're the same qualities as iron tools, except they have a special ability:
The player can select two blocks by right clicking and shift right clicking with the tool. This will define an area. Whenever the player breaks a block in that area, every block is broken.
However, the tools only break blocks that their respective tool is effective on and which can be mined with regular iron tools.
Be careful using these tools because you might end up destroying blocks you didn't want to and there's no way to undo it. Be also careful to not mine a large area, as it might cause lag.
The tools also show the selected coordinates in their tooltips!
Potion of Building
The Building Effect gives the player extra building reach. Currently it gives 1 extra block reach per level.
To brew the potion, the player will need to find Phosphophyllite Ore that spawns between Y30 and Y50. It needs at least an Iron Pickaxe and similar to Redstone Ore, it drops multiple dust items.
It comes in Stone, Deepslate and even Gravel variants!
When the dust is brewed with an Awkward Potion, it'll become a Potion of Building. Brewing this potion further with Phosphophyllite Dust will increase the level up until level 10. All of the potion last for 10 minutes and each level increases the block placing range by one!
Thank you for taking your time to read about my mod. Feel free to give me any feedback.
Keep in mind that the mod is in very early stages and not everything is finished.