Building Bricks

Building Bricks


Catched unhandled exception : [class com.hea3ven.buildingbricks.core.tileentity.TileMaterial] java.lang.NullPointerException

0Navis0 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I already posted this issue on curseforge, but I'm not sure if it had been seen. I get a serious problem with the 1.9 and 1.94 version of building bricks when I destroy some blocks of the mod. Minecraft totally freezes and I get this error.

[03:17:54] [Netty Server IO #1/WARN]: Catched unhandled exception : [class com.hea3ven.buildingbricks.core.tileentity.TileMaterial] java.lang.NullPointerException

Then I'm obliged to force Minecraft to stop, and if I wait too long, Windows tells me that Minecraft doesn't answer more and stop the program by itself without any crash report.

When I restart the world, all the blocks in the world from building bricks are displayed with a missing texture, I can travel them like if they didn't exist, and when I look them with Waila, it displays If I try to interact with these blocks again, minecraft freezes again with the same error. When the world loads too, I get these errors as much as there are building bricks blocks on the world.
[16:02:46] [Client thread/ERROR]: Could not load the material of a block

Curruntly for what I tried, it happens with any blocks of glass and ice, it doesn't seem happen with the wool, dirt and wood, but I hadn't had the time to try the other blocks, and the bug could happen with many other blocks. But anyway when the bug happens and I restart and go inside the world, all the blocks, even the ones wich didn't provocate the bug, are touched by the missing texture and the, and when I interact with them freezes minecraft again with the same error.

Please correct this bug, this is a serious and very annoying issue wich make Building Brick totally unusable.


I assume this is in single player, right?, can you post what it says in the log around the first error?


Yeah it's in single player, and it happens in both creative and survival. And what I get after the error is that

Edit : I forgot to post the last part of the log :
Minecraft has crashed with the stop code -805306369


Try with the new version, 2.0.4.


It still doesn't work... :(
I get the same problem with the reasonant crystal from deep reasonance McJtyMods/DeepResonance#71
This bug seems to be recurent with all the tile entities used as blocks.


I had made a copy of the full log for the deep resonance, but the building bricks bug is the same, so I show you it if it can help you.

I noticed that with the new version, when I reload the world after that Minecraft crashed, the block I tried to destroy isn't more here, and the other building blocks are still here and not more displayed with a missing textures, but when I break an ice or glass block, the bug happens again.


Would you mind testing if the bug happens when you remove optifine?


Sadly it doesn't change anything. I think that the problem come from the 1.9 itself. A lot of tile entities of other mods and Minecraft itself are touched by this bug. I will report this bug in the Minecraft issue tracker.


Does it happen when you use forge without mods?, also, you could try with only buildingbricks.


Yes it happens only with building bricks installed. The only block I know wich come from Minecraft itself and provocates this bug without any mods and forge is the ender frame. I discovered recently that this bug happened with the blood glass of blood arsenal and the tank of evilcraft, and it's surely only the beginning. I curruntly try all the blocks with provocate this error. Maybe we will be able to understand from where it comes. I will try to create a list of all the blocks touches by this bug. From what I noticed, it happens especially on all transparent tile entities.


I curruntly all the blocks one by one of all the mods of my modpack, it will be long, but I will publish a list of all the blocks wich provocates this bug. I will warn all the potential mod owners wich are affected by this bug. It's the best solution for solving this really annoying bug.


I close this issue, I moved it here #69