![Building Bricks](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/25/812/256/256/635781138855796554.png)
- 2
Problem in combination with journey map mc 1.9 forge 1865
#50 opened by Jiraiyah - 0
Crash when using the trowel
#52 opened by Xogue - 2
Crash upon encountering snowy biome
#55 opened by Dizzy611 - 0
Crash game when vertical slab is used
#56 opened by BPanter - 1
better block sounds
#54 opened by FastQuack - 6
Grassslab worldgen issue
#57 opened by cauliflower69 - 0
Crashed when trying to put smooth stone in bag
#59 opened by MrTubzy456 - 4
Crash on startup: could not detect the running version
#60 opened by Darkhax - 2
Crash on Forge 1.9-1899
#58 opened by asiekierka - 2
Another amazing crash
#61 opened by asiekierka - 0
Grass slabs worldgen places them in water when using realistic terrain generation
#64 opened by hea3ven - 5
Crash game when starting, version BuildingBricks-1.9.4-2.0.3
#65 opened by BPanter - 11
Catched unhandled exception : [class com.hea3ven.buildingbricks.core.tileentity.TileMaterial] java.lang.NullPointerException
#66 opened by 0Navis0 - 7
missing integration of some blocks
#67 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Trowls - Crash Report :(
#62 opened by RebeccaRedstone - 0
Grass texture replacement doesn't work on higher resolution resourcepacks
#63 opened by hea3ven - 3
MAJOR BUG (1.9 and 1.9.4) : Catched unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException
#69 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Portable Ladder dupe bug
#70 opened by PokeMaserJ - 0
[1.9.4] Client crash at start
#71 opened by kwpugh - 0
Mossy, chiseled, and cracked stone brick stairs uncraftable.
#68 opened by chokoth - 2
WAWLA crashes game when looking at most slabs from BB
#72 opened by aubreybailey - 3
java.lang.IllegalStateException: TickNextTick list out of synch
#73 opened by derSchotte - 0
Investigate error when putting blocks on Tinker's construct crafting table
#74 opened by hea3ven - 0
Landing particles on blocks don't have texture
#75 opened by hea3ven - 3
Could not load the material of a block
#76 opened by ckissane - 2
Add compatibility with Quark's greener grass tweak
#78 opened by patrickclank9 - 0
Block dupe glitch
#79 opened by RacerDelux - 1
Game won't even start up with mod loaded with 2.0.5
#77 opened by boondockArtist - 0
Freeze when picking up Trowel in shift r-click menu
#80 opened by patrickclank9 - 3
Client Crash, Placing Andesite Slab
#84 opened by slidingmike - 0
Vertical grass slabs when mined with silk touch don't drop anything
#82 opened by hea3ven - 0
Blocks placed by other players don't have material
#83 opened by hea3ven - 2
Launch Crash on 1.9.0
#86 opened by jriwanek - 1
Unable to Swap Block
#85 opened by Dave-LeDev - 0
No Grass Slab Recipe and unable to create one via CraftTweaker
#87 opened by slidingmike - 0
Crash on pickup
#88 opened by gchpaco - 0
Crash when placing grass slabs
#89 opened by sblectric - 0
Suggestion-Generate Mycelium & Podzol Slabs like Grass Slabs Do
#90 opened by WenXin20 - 0
- 1
Issue with Quartz and keybinds on trowel
#92 opened by WindFox - 1
Placed iron stairs display tile.invalidMaterialBlock.name in WAILA
#93 opened by brisingraerowing - 0
Add coverage to the rest of the BioP woods
#94 opened by Syndaryl - 9
crash while loading Minecraft
#95 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
Slabs not breaking
#96 opened by 7OOTnegaTerces - 1
Crash on loading with Tinker's Construct
#97 opened by Nattehine - 0
Crashes on chunk render
#98 opened by Magi1053 - 1
Grass slabs in Realistic Gen not matching Biome Color
#99 opened by theDaleighChronicle - 1
"[Client thread/ERROR] [BuildingBricks.TileMaterial]: The material of a block was directly set to null"
#100 opened by katubug - 0
Port to 1.12?
#101 opened by Ridgure - 0
[ENHANCEMENT] Make vertical slabs less annoying
#102 opened by hron84