This mod is intended for use in Heart & Soul: Kingdoms, however as this is my first mod release I am releasing it to the world to continue my mod development: bug hunting!
Bundle of Wood is a simple mod that allows you to create a bundle of wood out of 9 oak wood in a crafting table. The wood can be placed like a normal block, and can be broken. If you place the bundle of wood in the crafting table it will turn back into 9 oak wood.
Wood Tokens are 9 bundles of wood in a crafting table. Be warned: once you convert your bundles into a wood token, they cannot be changed back! These are meant to be a form of currency (I guess you can say it has a very weak market impact.)
Future updates will allow the bundles to be created out of more than just oak, and will support rotational placing.
Textures by CyanideX.