Bunkermod - unbreakable blocks

Bunkermod - unbreakable blocks


Have you ever wanted your house to be resistant to creeepers. This little mod is giving you such a possibility.

Bunkermod adds various blocks and equipment resistant to explosions and unbreakable for normal items – you have to use the armoured hammer. Of course it is possible to configure it, you can make that every item would be able to harvest blocks from mod, there is a possibility of turning off the resistance to explosions. It adds also some extra stuff (module) like hidden doors and buttons (more in the future).

Most blocks:

bunkermod ss2

bunkermod ss


In version 2.0+.

Unbreakable safe secured by player id. This block behaves like normal chest but can only be destroyed by owner. Additionally, only owner can open it and use it. It is good way to protect your items. Owner can also use command "/bm-add <player nick>" or "/bm-remove <player nick>" to give or take away player permission to open it. If player is not online above commands can't be used because players now can change their nicks and mod use id to authorize, not nicks. Then owner have to use "/bm-add-by-id <player id>" or "/bm-remove-by-id <player id>" to modify given permissions. To see information (nick, id) about users of safe you can use "/bm-info". There is also avalible help command in game "/bm-help".

By default users with permission to open safe can also destroy it. To change this behaviour edit configuration file.

Hidden Doors and Buttons module:

bunkermod doors

Hidden doors – all doors can be powered by redstone signal but stone and wood(oak) ones can’t be opened using right-click. They are unbreakable until they stay on unbreakable block. This also applies to ladders and rails.

bunkermod buttons

Hidden buttons – after activation they are powered 2,5 sec. To attach something to button use Shift.

 Note: If you want something to be add to mod post an idea here and I will try to add some of them if I like it. They would create modules which could be turned off. I will add table with authors of ideas in this post.

Website: link


  • Install Forge first and start Minecraft at least one.
  • Put the whole archive(do not unzip it) into this folder C:/Users/Yourusername/AppData/Roming/.minecraft/mods/.


# Configuration file

doors_module {
    # If true right-clicking on acacia door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on armoured door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on birch door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on bookshelf door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on oak door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on stone-brick door will open it.

    # If true right-clicking on stone door will open it.
general {
    # If true diamond pickaxe can destroy blocks from mod like armoured hammer (default false).

    # Default hardness used by every item during breaking except Armoured Hammer (default -1 means unbreakable but 0 and more means breakable).

    # Hardness used by Armoured Hammer. Hardness (simplifying) says how long Armoured Hammer is breaking blocks added with this mod (default 2 and always it have to be greater than 0).

    # If true iron pickaxe can destroy blocks from mod like armoured hammer (default false).

    # Resistance of blocks (default 800). If you want TNT to destroy blocks set less than 30.

    # It determines the time how long the button is activated in ticks, 20 ticks is 1 second. This value has to be integer > 1 and < 3000000 (default is 50 what means 2,5 sec.).

    # If true, users which get permission to open one safe from owner (have been added to list in safe) can break this one safe. It can cause griefing (default true).
modules {
    # If true, that module is added to game.

    # If true, tile entities like chests, safes are added to game.


Mod is free to non-profit use. Everybody can copy it and modify for private use but has to give link to this page always when gives download link. I do not give rights to distribute modifed version. Giving original link and author with every copy would be nice but is not necessary. Modpacks creators can freely add it to packs.