


cannons... a powerful siege weapon, and useful tool for naval battles. the Pirates Mod touched on this bit, but nothing tells you how the cannon balls are obtained in Survival. it's been quite some time since 1.12.2 was released, and a working cannon entirely obtainable in Survival still cannot be found. until now.

this is the Cannons Mod, the first mod i ever published anywhere on the internet, and the solution to this nagging problem that has bugged me for quite some time!

using a crafting table, you can craft a cannon using an iron block in the middle-left, two iron ingots in the spaces to the right of the iron block, two of any wood plank on the bottom corners, and a stick in the bottom-middle.
cannon balls take an iron block in the center, surrounded by gunpowder in the corners and iron ingots in the empty spaces between them.

to use the cannons, right-click the block while sneaking to open its inventory, which you can load the cannon balls into. once loaded, simply right-click the cannon again (without sneaking this time) to unleash a devastating iron explosive shell flying out the barrel! when outfitting them to a ship, be sure to place them facing out from the ship! no one likes a backfiring cannon tearing a hole in his own ship! hell, throw the damn cannon balls if you want to! they won't fly near as far as they would from a cannon, though.

the cannons, themselves, are full blocks, which makes them flush with the side of a ship. no need to worry about a cannon ball flying through the port hole left behind when a block doesn't take up the whole block space.

compatible with Davinci's Vessels!

made with MCreator!

throw this mod into a modpack if you want to! it'll be perfect little addition to a medieval or naval arsenal!

and enjoy your new cannons!