Cardboard Mod

Cardboard Mod


Cardboard items and blocks!

Have you ever imagined a cardboard in Minecraft? Well, this mod will give you everything you need, from cardboard boxes and crates to real trap records!

I'd like to present to you the CARDBOARD MOD!

And remember to donate using the button on the right, because mods can be really hard to develop sometimes and with your support I will create the mod faster :)


Cardboard - an universal material

Cardboard is material that can be used for creating literally everything in this mod.

You can craft 4 of it with 6 paper and 1 oak log


Cardboard Block - A nice decoration for your warehouse

Cardboard block is decoration block that's nice looking in warehouses and houses. What more can i say? It's just a carton block.

It can be crafted with 8 carton and 1 paper.

Cardboard Chest - Small, but big

Cardboard chest is a storage block that has only 6 slots, but that slots can hold 256 items per each! It's great for storing blocks like cobblestone or dirt.

You can craft it by 4 cardboard, 4 cardboard blocks and chest.

Scratchy Drill Trap Record!

Just listen to this masterpiece. You have to craft it with C14 - Stal, 2 dripstones and 2 cardboards