CaseOh Craft

CaseOh Craft


CaseOh Craft is a mod that brings the worlds biggest streamer 'CaseOh' to Minecraft! Whilst exploring the overworld, you will be able to visit CaseOh at many famous locations such as his trailer, or waffle house. Look further, and you can find new biomes such as the CaseOh forest and caverns. Here you will find 6 new mobs (featuring Case in many different forms), and even more structures, such as the 1x1 fort. You will also be able to find new natural blocks, such as CaseOh wood, Casestohne and the new CaseOh shard ores. Using new resources from these mobs, blocks, biomes and structures, you can craft 18 new character blocks that feature key memorable CaseOh moments and characters, from the great fall, to the grand tetons.