Casey Mod

Casey Mod


This mod is adding a lot of new stuff including:

  • 7 ranged weapons to attack bosses and enemies from distance
  • 22 new weapons, most of them with unique abelities
  • 8 new armour sets with unique abelities
  • New dimension with 5 biomes
  • 29 new blocks to decorate your base
  • 2 new fluid types
  • New weopen type: Casey, with two own enchantments(But planned more!!!) only for that weopen type 
  • 11 new food types
  • 3 new potion effects to make your enemies (or you) cry
  • 4 types of backpacks to hold your stuff
  • new tool: dimension swither, that allows you to switch between dimensions in any time
  • a lot of new crafting materials
  • 3 new monsters, 3 new bosses with unique attacks
  • 13 new structures, so you will have a lot of things to explore
  • 2 new full tool sets, 1 new multitool
  • New Crafting station with recipe book!

Created by Jajcek, using Miko's ideas

You can use it in modpacks

you should install JEI for recipes

and also JER for boss and mob drops

 If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below.