Working on updates (very slowly), please have patience
This mod will bring new trees, crops, foods, desserts, biomes, and so much more to your Minecraft expierience. This mod will be updated every month (to the best of our ability) with cuisine around the world, some of the things this mod offers so far are listed below.
New Foods/Desserts:
Strawberry Pie, Apple Pie, Strawberry Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream
New Items and Tools:
Strawberry, Sugared Strawberry, Butter, Cream, Flour, Powdered Sugar, Strawberry Jam, Cherry, Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Vanilla Extract, Mortar & Pestle. (Check picture under "Images" tab to see more)
New Plants and Trees:
Strawberry Seeds, Strawberry Plant, Vanilla Seeds, Vanilla Plant, Cherry Blossom Sapling, Cherry Blossom Tree, Cherry Wood Log (trees are able to be found in a cherry blossom forest). (Check picture under "Images" tab to see more)
New Biomes and Dimensions:
Cherry Blossom Forest (cottonxrg_foods:cherry_blossom_forest), Steel Biome (cottonxrg_foods:steel_dimension_biome), Steel Dimension and Steel Dimension Portal (Steel Blocks and Flinted Steel). (Check picture under "Images" tab to see more)
New Structures:
Abandoned Factory (cottonxrg_foods:abandoned_factory)
New Metal:
Steel Ingot (Iron and Coal), Steel Plate, Steel Hammer, Steel Rod, Hammer Head, Flinted Steel, Steel Frame (Block), Steel Block (Block), Molten Steel (No current use, same as lava), Steel Armor. (Check picture under "Images" tab to see more)
New Wood:
Cherry Wood Planks, Cherry Wood Stairs, Cherry Wood Slabs, Cherry Wood Trapdoor, Cherry Wood Glass, Cherry Wood Door, Cherry Wood Button and Pressure Plate
Download available through MCreator aswell: