


Incompatibility between Cathedral, ZarakLib, & Monsterley Resource Pack

Graywaren opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So I'm putting together a bunch of mods for a friend and I to play and discovered probably the weirdest incompatibility I've come across. If I have ZarakLib (a dependency for multibags and Cathedral installed and then try to apply the Monsterley ( resource pack it will fail to apply the resource pack.

If I uninstall either ZarakLib or Cathedral I can apply Monsterley just fine. I can also apply other resource packs with both installed. I spent so long tracking this thing down and I'm quite baffled.

Here is the pastebin of the log error:

Any idea why this is happening? I'm not sure which of the three things is actually causing the problem, but I would love to know so that I can notify Monsterly or Multibags about it. I've commented one their pages with the error as well, but Cathedral is the only one with a github. Perhaps you can shed some light on this weird bug I've discovered.


Multibags/ZarakLib creator updated their mod and that seems to have solved the problem. Hurrah!