- 0
Crash with this mod and hardcore item stages
#23 opened by pibblepower - 3
[Bug] Deck Prism and Connected Texture blcok, or block with special model
#9 opened by drakray - 1
Incompatibility between Cathedral, ZarakLib, & Monsterley Resource Pack
#10 opened by Graywaren - 6
Holes on top of panels
#11 opened by LemADEC - 1
Client crash when using Exchanger from Building Gadgets
#13 opened by LemADEC - 0
Recipe conflict Dwarven Pillar vs Tall Dwarven Door
#12 opened by LemADEC - 1
Incompatibility with optifine Smooth lighting
#14 opened by AssaultSquid - 3
[Bug] Dwarven Bars show up with normal Iron Bar texture when placed.
#15 opened by AnotherVagabond - 2
Infinite pillar crafting bug
#16 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
User encountered a crash with this mod
#18 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
Deprecated IMC variation
#19 opened by WolfBV - 2
Dwemer Chain is unobtainable without bronze
#3 opened by erindal - 1
Dwemer doors don't return themselves when dropped
#2 opened by erindal - 11
Dwemer blocks uncraftable if Botania is installed
#1 opened by nihiltres - 1
Miscellaneous Suggestions and Additions
#5 opened by IdrisQe - 4
Missing blocks shown in images
#4 opened by IdrisQe - 0
Checkered slabs drop raw basalt slabs when mined
#6 opened by gryttr - 1
Missing textures in the railing, somewhere
#7 opened by aycfes - 1
Crash on load, "invalid side server"
#8 opened by Sixdd6