Catz mod

Catz mod


i got new ideas for the mod

MHpiack234234 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Randomly Spawning cat bunkers just use the suit will damage the armor over time but will keep you safe from radiation until it breaks
do add a mob it is a cat People they going to building long and intricate castles, mazes, and other defensive positions to defend their minerals.
do you like my ideas for your mod
cat Guards will now spawn 10 seconds start world in the a pyramid structure more to you or teleport to you or This idea involves adding cat guards to that would spawn 10 seconds after the start of a world and would either move towards the player or teleport to their location. The cat guards would be located in a pyramid structure and would add an element of challenge and security and do add cat fake players very rare see stuff move and put the signs down and someone building house and places and someone abandoned mines and break abandoned mines or remake


do add cat latex armor
do add cat Oil
do add add an cat species of grass that spreads like mycelium but its like the normal grass block or the 2 high block
do add cat Journal book
do add cat Structure (Abandoned cat treehouse)
In the jungle biomes, there could be a small percentage that an abandoned cat tree house - village type structure could spawn among the trees.
do add cat Villages Structure by the opening of chests and breaking blocks of gold. Structures to accompany them would make the most sense, most likely generating in the biome of which they spawn. these Colonies could be
do add cat Island Ruins Structure


do add cat latex book
do add cat mercury latex armor
do add cat mercury mob
do add a cat latex mob