Catz mod

Catz mod


This mod adds an item to your Minecraft world called CatCoin. This coin can be used to craft various items, adding a new layer of depth to your gameplay experience. With CatCoin, you can craft items such as weapons, armor, tools, food, and more. It adds an extra layer of challenge and complexity to your modpack, and gives you the opportunity to make use of your creativity. With CatCoin, you can craft items faster, more efficiently, and more effectively, making it easier to build whatever you need. Furthermore, it adds a sense of accomplishment when you complete a crafting task, as you can show off the results of your efforts with your friends. CatCoin adds a unique element to your modpack, providing a way to make crafting more rewarding and enjoyable. With its simple and intuitive user interface, CatCoin makes crafting easier and more enjoyable for everyone.

  • A Question and Answer .

Q: Can I use this mod in my modpack? A: Yes, you can.

Q: What features does this mod offer? A: This mod offers the ability to craft items using a new currency called CatCoin. This adds an additional level of complexity to the crafting system, allowing users to create more interesting and unique items. Additionally, this mod provides a way to store and manage CatCoin, allowing players to build up their wealth and make larger purchases.

  • How those features affect a user's experience.

This mod provides an additional item for the user to craft and utilize in their modpack. The CatCoin item can be used to create unique items, giving the user a greater range of potential options when it comes to creating and customizing their modpack experience. By adding this item, players are given the ability to craft items that they may not have been able to make before, creating a more dynamic and enjoyable experience.

  • Links to descriptions of my projects.





  • add a music

  • add a culture

  • add a keyboard touch

  • add completly custom entity

  • make cat structure worldgen

  • make a gun/ammunation

  • make doors/trapdoors

  • make vines/leaves/tree

  • make a villager/personalized trades

  • make a config file

  • add achievement/achievement tab

  • add dimension/a way to tp to this dimension (WIP)

  • add a enchant

  • make a 3d block using TESR render/add custom chest/crafting table

  • make a 3d block using ISBRH render

  • make catBlocks in catDimension and for it's own brother named catBiome

  • switching Global entity id to mod entity id

  • fix the entity CatAgressiveEntity/CatPassiveEntity run has lower tick/run no fast

  • fix the tnt model doesn't work

  • remake textures

Some of these description is by SkyDash #4150