Cave & Cliff Fundamentals

Cave & Cliff Fundamentals


This Mod has been rewritten and is now called NovaCraft, I will no longer provide support for the original port of the mod.

 If someone though wants the source of this mod to get a better understanding of McCreator 1.7.3, then DM me on discord or in the comments and I will send it over.

Installation Video

I HIGHLY suggest you install these following performance mods with C&CF or any 1.7.10 modpack you are playing.

1) Optfine - confident you already have this installed.

2) LagFix - this mod helps with entity count causing significant lag and adds commands that can help you figure out the issue if you cannot figure out what is causing the lag. (Better Dungeons and Just a Few Fish like to cause problems in this category if you didn't know)

3) Fps Reducer - not actually sure what this mod does but it helped me a bit

4) Better FPS - I don't actually use this one but it is suppose to help a lot for lower end PCs

5) Foam Fix - helps out a lot with memory issues and much more, I use it and think it helps me out the most in my testing, amazing performance mod.

6 ) Another tip is to use the MultiMC launcher and to not allocate too much ram to Minecraft, for some reason it can make it run worse. I usually still around 5-6gb or so for 1.7.10 modpacks, I do not see any reason you may need more.

7) My final tip is to use a chunk loading mod is a good one. preload your Minecraft over-world and nether, alot of issues with pre-1.9 minecraft lag is terrain generation and this helps out greatly.

Those With Et Futurum Requiem installed READ THIS (Which should be all of you)

Due to the program I used to create C&CF there are certain things I cannot alter so there are 2 config options you will need to change in order to play this mod along side Et Futurum Requiem; none of these errors are intentional, if I could fix them I would

1) 1st you will need to set "deepslateGenerationMode = 1" in the Et Futurum config instead of 0 so it generates in blobs instead of replacing all stone below a certain y level

2) a - 2nd you will need to set "enableAutoAddSmoker=false", this just removes the functionality with non-vanilla foods working with the smoker


   b - Install Dragon API which completely fixes this issue for some reason (


  • Why is this the final version of the mod?

The program I used to make this mod has many limitations. I had several ideas planned for this mod that the program simply would not let me implement, lots of structures that never made it, unique block interactions , proper stalagmite/stalactite world generation, custom mob models and much more. Due to this I plan on completely rewriting the mod as an add-on to Et Futurum Requiem so I can add these features, fix the lag, and implement proper interactions with other mods, I am working on an Aether Legacy Overhaul mod at the moment for 1.7.10 which I hope will be released by Christmas so it will be awhile until I get around to rewriting C&CF.

Created this mod since some of my friends and I wanted some of the 1.17 features in our modded LAN world so I made a quick mod that added a few of these features and thought it wouldn't hurt to upload it curse-forge if anyone who plays single-player or LAN wanted to play with these features as well.

This mod's goal is to back-port very basic features such as blocks, items, and world generation seen in the recent 1.17 snapshots and add new content that compliments it.

*Due to my lack of coding, complicated features such as the new cave generation or spyglass will not be added so please do not ask in the comments section.

- Now this is 1.7.10 so features that may be cool and neat in the 1.17 snapshots may not work very well in this version, so any suggestions to obtaining certain items or blocks or world generation is much appreciated.

- If looking for a hidden gem mod for cave generation

This is as close you will get to 1.17 caves in 1.7.10, oh and have fun figuring out how to install, will help in comments if you guys cannot figure it out

- Do not ask about adding a config file, I will add it if I figure it out. If there is something that you do not like I do not mind sending you a custom file if it is a simple modification.

Server Compatibility Finally Implemented as of  Beta 1.1b! Special thanks to Roadhog360 for helping me figure out this issue.

Special Thanks to Askywalker on Planet Minecraft for allowing me to use his grimstone textures for ancient grimstone

Special Thanks to supermj767 on curseforge for allowing me to use some of his textures

Looking for something similar for 1.12.2? Well I do not have any plans of porting what I have done to 1.12.2 soon, and if I did it would be just the base 1.17 content.

The only mod I found for 1.12.2 that has tried adding in any of the 1.17 content is this mod.

No idea how polished the 1.12.2 iteration is though.