Cave in

Cave in


Minecraft Cave in mod

#WARNING: there are no guarantees that this mod will not grief your world beyond your liking. Make a backup.

This is a Minecraft 1.19.2 Forge mod that adds cave ins underground.

At certain intervals a cave in may randomly start for one player in the overworld. Whitelisted blocks will fall and hurt players during a cave in. Cave ins will only start under a certain height.


Certain aspects of the mod can be reconfigured in the .minecraft/config/cavein-common.toml config file.

The default configuration potentially starts a cave in every 5 minutes at a 1 in 30 chance. The cave ins occupy a 30 block radius by default, and will only occur under a block height of 50. See the referenced config file for other options.


  1. git clone
  2. Open cavein/build.gradle as a project in IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition) IDE
  3. In terminal run ./gradlew genIntellijRuns
  4. In IDE on side panel where it says "Gradle" expand the panel and double click Tasks/build/build to build the ready to serve .jar. The .jar can be found in cavein/build/libs/cave-x.x.jar

During development, use the runClient and runServer configurations from the top-right dropdown to quickly run the game with the mod installed.

Updating Sourcecode and Forge

  1. Visit
  2. Download MDk from
  3. Delete and replace the following from the downloaded MDK
    1. Delete the following from this repository and copy replacements from MDK:
      1. gradle directory
      2. build.gradle
      3. gradlew
      4. gradlew.bat
    2. Set the following in build.gradle (tends to change from Forge version to Forge version though):
      1. version = '1.20.2-1.1.1' (the ending version scheme is major.minor.patch)
      2. group = 'jmdevy'
      3. base {
            archivesName = 'cavein'
      4. java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
      5. In mincraft{ set mappings channel: 'offcial', version: '1.20.2'
      6. In client{ set mod_id to '${mod_id}'
      7. In server{ set mod_id to '${mod_id}'
      8. In gameTestServer{ set mod_id to '${mod_id}'
      9. In data{ and args set mod_id to '${mod_id}'
      10. In dependencies and minecraft set ${minecraft_version} to 1.20.2
      11. In dependencies and minecraft set ${forge_version} to 48.0.30 (whatever Forge version updating to)
      12. In attributes([ set the following
        1. 'Specification-Title' : "cavein"
        2. "Specification-Vendor" : "jmdevy"
        3. "Implementation-Vendor" : "jmdevy"
      13. Remove tasks.named('processResources', ProcessResources).configure block of code
    3. Set the following in src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml
      1. Set loaderVersion="[48,)" (or whatever the latest major version of Forge is)
      2. Set versionRange="[48,)" in [[dependencies.cavein]]
      3. Set versionRange="[1.20.2,)" in [[dependencies.cavein]]