CC:C Bridge

CC:C Bridge


CC:C Bridge

CC:C Bridge is a Minecraft Mod that adds compatibility between the ComputerCraft and Create (v0.5) mod!

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For Forge, requires Create and CC:Tweaked!
For Fabric, requires the Fabric API, Create and CC:Restitched!


With this Mod it is finally possible to program within ComputerCraft for all kinds of displays in Create (v0.5+).
In other words, you can:

  • Display all your stuff with e.g. Displays (those flip things), Signs, Lecterns or Nixie Tubes via the Source Block!

  • Get informations from blocks via the Target Block. For example, you can now get how much stress your network exactly has (in SU), a death counter, how many <insert_itemnamehere> you produce, etc.

  • Handle Redstone signals with the RedRouter Block (it works like the Redstone API).

  • Or controll Trains by using the Train Station as a peripheral.

With these blocks, many things you always wanted to handle precicely and easily via lua scripts, are now possible!


To find out more, check out the wiki section!