Key Features:
1. CutAll - Tree Felling
- Cut down entire trees at once when using an axe
- Option to preserve leaves
- Automatic sapling replanting
- Supports up to 4096 blocks per operation
2. DigAll - Area Excavation
- Dig multiple dirt-type blocks at once using a shovel
- Customizable width, height, and depth range
- Supports up to 512 blocks per operation
3. MineAll - Chain Mining
- Chain mine connected ore veins with a pickaxe
- Optional stone block area mining mode
- Supports up to 1024 blocks per operation
Additional Features:
- Hold Shift to switch to normal mining mode
- Intuitive GUI configuration screens
- Customizable keybinds (Default: C for CutAll, V for DigAll, B for MineAll)
- Compatible with vanilla and modded blocks
- Tool durability is consumed efficiently
- Adjustable maximum block limits
- Customizable mining ranges
- Toggle features individually
- Easy-to-use in-game settings menu
Perfect for:
- Efficient resource gathering
- Large building projects
- Quality-of-life improvement
- Reducing repetitive mining tasks