Cell Block Oblivion

Cell Block Oblivion


This mod is a resource only mod intended for the modpack CellBlock:Oblivion!

The mod doesn't have any natural spawning, usable, or survival intended items. After all it is intended to be used in the Minecraft map made for it. If you do use it, I would appreciate it if you do not modify or republish it on any downloadable modpack others can use.

It is a horror related mod and does contain blood and gore. The map that will use this mod will be published on Minecraftmaps.com and maybe planetminecraft.com

I did use MCreator to make this, however, I actually took time into to custom modeling the mobs and given each one working functions.

Cell Block Oblivion is a minecraft map where you play as a twenty-three year old person who has been placed in prison because of a murder you committed. You didn't exactly admit to the crime, but they don't believe a word you say because of your unrealistic excuse on what really happened. After that, you are very quickly diagnosed with schizophrenia by the same people running the prison you are in now. You do not believe them, however, and have convinced yourself that they have lied to you to cover up for something which they are guilty of! To you, the entire situation is very unjust, but they have the world on their side, and your stuck behind bars. As the days go by, you continue looking for ways of escape. One day, the opportunityfinally presents itself. You awake finding yourself  in a complete graveyard, your entire prison block is dead. The question on what has happened and why you are alive stays on your mind through the story, although you don't dare voice it. But you take this opportunity not to escape the prison, but to find the secrets you have convinced yourself are there. However, as you explore the prison, you begin questioning whether you truly were lied to, or you really have been chasing figments of your imagination brought to life within your own mind...

This is 3ternalStudios first project, but we have made maps before, although none were published. It is, however, my first try of modding.

Progress on map,

Play testing in progress and most chapters are complete. NO more updates will be placed here in order avoid spoilers.