Changed: MC Mod

Changed: MC Mod


Squid dog hand swapping ability not working

joksulainen opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I had already mentioned this in the server but seeing as it wasn't addressed in 0.11.1 (understandably so as it was buried in the mod tech support channel) leads me to believe that you either haven't fixed it yet or haven't taken note of it. As such, I'm making this issue to hopefully bring this to your attention, if it hasn't been yet.

All I can tell you is it doesn't produce anything in the logs when attempting to be used in 0.11.0 and beyond and it worked the update before 0.11.0. So uh, good luck trying to debug that? It's probably so damn specific you didn't even catch it during testing for 0.11.0 (if you even do any of that).