Changed: MC Mod

Changed: MC Mod


A laboratory in the Changed:MC mod. Discord Discord Discord Discord

This repository holds the source code for the Changed: Minecraft Mod. Releases are compiled and published to both mod hosting websites.

All credits for contributors are available on GitHub Insights and in the mod menu.

How can I help?

Any aspiring developer is welcome to fork and create a pull request to submit their content. Programmers, texture artists, and 3D modelers all have a place here.

  • Textures are kept in src/main/resources/assets/changed/textures
  • Java code is in src/main/java/net/ltxprogrammer/changed
  • 3D models are kept in src/main/java/net/ltxprogrammer/changed/client/renderer/model

Even if you aren't a developer, you can help with translations, documentation, or other simple issues. However, any changes you make to the code or files should be on your own fork. Create a pull request when you are ready to submit any changes.

How can I make my own sub-mod?

First, grab the Forge MDK, and install Intellij. Changed:MC uses many mixins to alter code for compatibility and functionality. Add this line to your buildscript dependencies and repositories (build.gradle):

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url = '' }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7-SNAPSHOT'

And add it as a plugin (build.gradle):

apply plugin: 'org.spongepowered.mixin'

Add this line in your repositories (build.gradle):

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "Changed"
        url = ""

Add this line in your dependencies (build.gradle):

dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf("net.ltxprogrammer.changed:Changed-m${minecraftVersion}-f${forgeVersion}:${changedVersion}")

Make sure you specify which environment versions you are using in the line above. This can be done by directly subsituting (e.g. Changed-m1.18.2-f40.2.0:v0.13.1), or in you

minecraftVersion = 1.18.2
forgeVersion = 40.2.0
changedVersion = v0.13.1

Then add a mod dependency to mods.toml:

    versionRange="[0.12b]" # Replace with the version you plan to mod

Note: any issues relating to gradle/mixin should be properly be researched (Googled) before creating an issue.

You'll now have access to all the tools within the Changed: Minecraft Mod, good luck!

General FAQ

Will there be a Fabric/Quilt version?

There are no current plans to port to another modloader, this is subject to change.

Can you port the mod to 1.xx.x?

We will not be porting the mod until it is deemed complete.

Can you make the mod for Pocket Edition?

If you're asking this, you're probably too young to be getting into Changed...

Can the mod be used with Optifine?

The mod is incompatible with Optifine. We will not be fixing this due to Optifine being closed source. Please use Rubidium or Embeddium instead.

What mods are compatible?

There (hopefully) shouldn't be too many mods that are incompatible. If you do find a mod which behaves weird with Changed:MC, feel free to report it.

What are the special forms for?

Anyone who is a Tier 4 Patron get to design their own transfur variant exclusive to them, otherwise, the special syringe doesn't do anything.

Will I lose my special form when I'm no longer a patron?

No, but you will lose the in-game title and access to some discord channels.