


Incompatibility with create addons specifically [any addon]

Mass1milian0 opened this issue · 0 comments


when you load changed with any create addon it gives this error

net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingException: Changed: Minecraft Mod (changed) encountered an error during the done event phase §7java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "f_111417_" because "blockModel" is null

if loading it with create only, it works, and doesn't give any issue

i tested a large number of create addon by loading them one by one, all of them caused the same error

Changed Version: Development, latest commit, e65085b64b70738f5510880cd2294e5424ede62d
Create Version: 0.5.1.e

(one by one, disabling one, enabling the other)

plugins tested:

  • Create : Armory
  • Create Chunkloading
  • Create Crafts & Additions
  • Create Enchantment Industry
  • Create Jetpack
  • Create Ore Excavation
  • Create Stuff & Additions
  • Create: Applied Kinetics
  • Create: Balanced Flight (Angel Ring)
  • Create: Electric Stonks
  • Create: Ender Transmission
  • Create: Steam 'n' Rails
  • Create: The Factory Must Grow

full crash report: