REWORK: Latexes shouldn't despawn, but also shouldn't spawn naturally
LtxProgrammer opened this issue ยท 3 comments
When latexes are put in facility pieces, they de-spawn almost immediately, due to players being too far away.
Having the latexes' spawning being restricted to facilities could also reason to have the transfur tolerance being reduced significantly, or even completely. If this decision goes through, then facility pieces would be responsible for including most latexes in the mod.
Holy, that means that if you get hit once you get tfed right away? that's crazy.
This also means that facility needs to have more part pieces because of most parts of facility not being the same theme as most latex beasts. Like leaf latex for example.
i guess it can be made into a config option
some kind of option to disable spawn of latexes in certain dimensions would be also nice, e.g. constant spawn of alien/snake latexes on Venus (Beyond Earth) causes a lot of lag due to them instantly dying and dropping loot on the ground