Chaos's Essentials+ (Forge)

Chaos's Essentials+ (Forge)


this mod adds many new ores to help spice up the vanilla game, adds two new dimensions which helps tell if you play a civil game of minecraft: heaven and hell which features ores heavenly and hellite which are only available on those dimensions.

a new ender ore enderite is added with cool teleportation abilities for the armour,

adds over 15 new ores which help increase the variety of the Minecraft default game.

ores will each provide a special ability (not all are implemented yet they are wip)

adds a structure which features mystery items which gives you a random tool from my mod depending on what tool you find
This is my first mod so please let me know what should be a new feature and what bugs are in my mod.

If you have any questions my discord is ChaosFlixz#1537

we now have a server