Charms & Medallions

Charms & Medallions


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Welcome to yet another mod! This mod adds new equipment, used in the curios slots added by Curios API!

Requires Curios API!

Curios API logo

(Modrinth page can be found here)


Iron Ring

Has no special ability. Only used for crafting other rings. Made with 4 iron ingots

The Iron Ring next to some stone

Gold Ring

When worn, piglins become neutral, like with any other gold armor piece. Made with 4 gold ingots

The Gold Ring next to some stone

Fire Immunity Ring

Prevents the player from catching on fire. You can still take damage from standing in fire or lava though. Also makes piglins neutral. Made from 1 gold ring, 2 fire charges and a copper block.

The Fire Immunity Ring next to some stone

Poison Immunity Ring

Prevents the player from being poisoned. Made from 1 iron ring, 1 emerald, 1 flower of any type and 1 sapling of any type.

The Poison Immunity Ring next to some stone

Wither Immunity Ring

Prevents the player from withering away. Made from 1 iron ring, 2 coal blocks and 1 wither skeleton skull.

The Wither Immunity Ring next to some stone

Multi-Immunity Ring

A combination of all the rings, it grants immunity to poison and wither, and prevents the player from catching on fire. Also makes piglins neutral. Made from 1 Wither Immunity Ring, 1 Poison Immunity Ring, 1 Fire Immunity Ring, 1 diamond and 1 emerald.

The Multi-Immunity Ring next to some stone


Life Necklace

Grants the player +3 Max Health when worn. Takes damage slowly over time, and has 256 durability. It is made with 1 iron nugget, 2 iron ingots, 1 diamond, 1 redstone block and 2 glowstone. It can also be repaired with 2 redstone blocks in a crafting table.

The Life Necklace next to some stone

Skull Necklace

If the player is hurt whilst wearing it, there is a 20% chance that 2 friendly skeletons will assist the player in battle. It is made with 1 iron nugget, 2 iron ingots, 1 emerald, 2 lapis blocks and 1 bone block

The Skull Charm  next to some stone and a skeleton soldier


Medallion of Defense

When the player isn't running, they will gain 4 extra armor points. Takes damage slowly over time if you aren't running, and has 192 durability. It is made with 1 amethyst shard, 2 gold ingots and 2 lapis blocks. It can also be repaired with 2 lapis blocks in a crafting table.

The Medallion of Defense next to some stone

Berserker's Skull

Grants the player +3 Attack Damage, but reduces their armor by 6 points. It is made with 4 cobbled deepslate, 1 redstone block and 2 iron nuggets

The Berserker's Skull next to some stone


Q: Fabric?

A: No. I don't port my mods to fabric anymore unless i previously supported them (like Runestones, Wolfys Extra Expansion, ect)

Or if you want the full version..

I don't support fabric on my newer mods due to limitations imposed by the software i use, and the fact that i also mod for myself, and choose to upload my mods to the public. If i simply continued to support fabric, then most likely, all my new mods wouldn't exist because of said limitations. So either way, you're not missing out on anything, are you?

Q: Will you backport to below/above 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.19.4?

A: No. Porting versions is buggy, annoying and generally unenjoyable. Modding is my passion project. If i dont enjoy modding, i won't mod. And no, 1.20.1 isn't planned anymore until further notice.

Q: Can i use this in my modpack?

A: Sure. You can give credit if you want, but i won't enforce it.

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