ChestLock - Protect your chests!

ChestLock - Protect your chests!


What it does?

With this mod you can lock your chest and no one but you is able to open it. Keep all your stuff safe of thieves and robbers.

How it works?

Depends on what way of protection you choose. You can change that by editing the config file (.minecraft/config):

    • PlayerMatters: (activated per default)
      • Craft a key (2 iron ingots on top of each other)
      • Shift-right click with this key on a chest
      • It’ s locked!
      • To open it click again with the key
      • This way only the Player who locked it can open it

    • KeyMatters:
      • Craft a key (2 iron ingots on top of each other)
      • Rename it at the anvil!
      • Shift-right click with this key on a chest
      • It’ s locked!
      • To open it click again with the key
      • This way everyone can open the chest, if they have the right named key
      • (If you don't rename it, the chest can be opend with every unnamed key)

Furthermore you can only break a chest when you're the owner! (You can turn off this feature in the config)

Is this mod multiplayer compatible?

Why should you use this mod in singleplayer? :D

As long as both – Client and Server – have installed it, this mod should run without a problem on your forge server.

How to install it?

1) Download and install Forge.(make sure you use 1.10.2)

2) Download this mod and place the .jar into your Mods Directory (.minecraft\mods).

For installing a Forge Server follow one of the countless tutorials, please.

Note: If you have any problems, questions, suggestions, cookies or whatever, feel free to write down your thoughts in the comments :)

Fave fun :)