Chisel Causing TCon Glitch
claws61821 opened this issue ยท 14 comments
MC 1.10.2
TCon 2.6.3
When using the Tinkers Construct smeltery to pour blocks into the TCon Casting Basin, it outputs as Chisel blocks where available. This causes the Basin to render graphically and report to WAILA as empty erroneously. Right-clicking the Basin still gives the player the block within.
Observed with Copper blocks. Repeatable.
May be duplicate of #380
Tinkers Construct uses the first block found in the oredictionary for a lot of our recipes.
As for the rendering, items displayed on top are statically baked into the main model, boni is a little more knowledgeable on the topic if you are to make a report over on our tracker linking back here.
Sorry about that. Here you are.
It looks like this is a Chisel issue and it has something to do with rendering the block in the basin. Here's a few vids of what I mean.
As said in the referenced Tcon issue, there is not much we can do. Tcon needs to not base its output on ore dict order.
I feel like the output is not really the main issue here, Chisel is a fine output as the blocks are compatible. The real issue is the items not rendering in the basins which could probably use more looking into, as assuming Chisel uses baked models there is no reason they should not display there.
I'll leave this open since that is in fact a valid issue, but it's definitely on the Tcon side. Plenty of other mods render chisel blocks as models.
Well, most other mods use TESRs, Tinkers does it statically in baked models. I'll try and look into what causes the issue, but my knowledge of both rendering systems is a bit limited.
@KnightMiner Has this been fixed?