- 0
[1.16.5] Config file with option to disable Basalt generation
#908 opened by mosharky - 1
[1.16.5] Auto Chisel does not seem to work
#909 opened by Pdiddy973 - 1
[1.16.5] Chisel Carpets and Wool CTM not working - missing mcmeta files
#903 opened by AdeptusAutumn - 0
[Suggestion][1.16] Add ability to specify new chisel tags
#905 opened by Lykrast - 3
Add support for CBMicroblocks via Inter Mod Messages
#907 opened by ChristianLW - 0
[1.16.5] Chisel recipes not showing in JEI
#906 opened by bonerix - 0
[1.16.5] All blocks can be broken by hand
#901 opened by nikita488 - 3
Redstone block can't be chiseled
#900 opened by Firefly0402 - 0
[1.16.5] Auto Chisel causing game crash
#910 opened by gdharron - 3
Game wont get past forge loading screen when using optifine.
#911 opened by JetpackRescue - 1
Dupe with Quark
#912 opened by DunYeeted - 2
Change Version of chisel
#913 opened by DeButcher4 - 0
Chisel wont work with the feather launcher?
#948 opened by Shmebssss - 0
[Question/Not a bug] Usage of textures in other mods
#949 opened by Griefed - 1
[1.16.5] [Crash] [Render Crash IChisel]
#950 opened by f1den - 0
iChisel GUI issue with large resolutions (or possible just high dpi - retina Mac) across different versions and mopacks
#951 opened by knzai - 1
Chisel is craftable and appears in JEI but wont work on multiplayer.
#914 opened by alvarolivie - 1
Where is the 1.8/1.8.9 version source code
#915 opened by Hye0Ngit - 2
Concrete gives faster speed
#918 opened by MauveSkydiver32 - 3
Using Chisel in offhand causes game crash
#916 opened by EgnaroGod - 3
"CCL has caught an exception whilst rendering a block" when using Optifine
#919 opened by Khris777 - 2
Auto Chisel & CC-Tweaked Turtle Crash - Can't reload map
#920 opened by TheIncgi - 5
Weird chisel rendering issue
#921 opened by YarinQuapi - 2
[MC1.16.5] Incorrect texture path for ironpane item models (See resource pack for a temporary fix)
#922 opened by McMagnus2 - 0
[1.18.1]Chisel has failed to load correctly
#923 opened by SmookePL - 0
1.8.9 no CTM
#927 opened by DemsenDK - 2
[1.16.5] Crash when ichisel is in offhand
#924 opened by Master00Maniac - 0
Chisel and optifine crash
#925 opened by 91leMAC - 1
[1.18.2] Crash on Direwolf20's modpack
#928 opened by kaanyalova - 0
[1.12.2] Minecraft FPS goes horribly down with chisel and other mods
#929 opened by alprazolam003 - 2
Chisel in Better MC
#932 opened by Tyriss - 1
Sandstone not chiselable in 1.16.5
#930 opened by Alissa95 - 1
[1.16.5] Chisel doesn't work properly in servers
#931 opened by ID86s - 0
[1.12.2] Marble have black and pink particles on destroy
#933 opened by StellarHarbour - 2
Suggestions for Re-chiseled
#937 opened by Nevrai - 0
[Suggestion] Make Ender Offset Wand Great Again?
#938 opened by fronczek7f - 0
ClassCastException: FakeBlockAccess cannot be cast to World
#939 opened by peter-ahe - 1
1.16.5: Connected Textures don't work for Legacy/Llama Wool/Carpets
#940 opened by Iskierk - 0
Please add the mod to Modrinth
#953 opened by Alter73 - 1
Strange blue lines on black antiblock
#941 opened by GhostShot3 - 0
1.16.5 crashing with other mods
#942 opened by TheThaumicGuard - 0
[1.16.5] itemGroup.chisel.legacy - Empty button in inventory
#943 opened by Razva - 1
[1.12.2] Block id documentation?
#944 opened by strubium - 1
[1.12.2] [Bug] Duping Bug
#946 opened by LuciferWPF910 - 1
Chisel spams console with java.lang.NullPointerException
#947 opened by Alex-265 - 0
Everything is black when i enter my world
#954 opened by Redokzz - 0
Opening the Drill GUI crashes everything, also the Massive Fan's texture shares only one face (1.20.1, Forge 47.3.0)
#955 opened by LunarAnticGitHub - 0
incompatible with quark for 1.12.2
#956 opened by scythe-111 - 0
Editing block outlines are not showing
#957 opened by ElBarron4K - 0
#958 opened by ReenaVR