- 0
HiTech Chisel Crashes Game
#896 opened by JustinTheBob - 0
See through/not rendering blocks
#894 opened by OldWorldShade - 3
Glass Blocks / Panels not chiselable
#895 opened by Manello - 0
[1.12.2] GTCE materials not compatible with Chisel
#897 opened by HonzaVinCZ - 1
Crash - Rendering overlay
#898 opened by JF-Dunford - 3
Chisel 1.12.2 missing texture
#842 opened by albatrosQc - 2
Mod Version 1.16.1
#843 opened by Romaindu35 - 1
Folder name are replaced !!
#844 opened - 0
Certus quartz dent shows basalt dent texture
#845 opened by hjoyn - 2
Mod is illegal to distribute in modpacks
#846 opened by immibis - 1
1.12.2 Server config is lower in priority than client config.
#847 opened by SeagalKru - 2
[1.12.2] Recipes show 8 blocks of coal instead of one needed
#848 opened by whitebear60 - 1
1.10.2 - Tinkers Seared Stone to Bricks
#849 opened by AefRal - 1
Cant extract out of autochisel
#850 opened by D4RCQ - 0
[feature request] replace buckets recipes to fluid recipes
#851 opened by Haocen2004 - 1
When I remove Chisel from game, I get the "cricketcraft" error
#852 opened by Mremenar - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Runed Arcane Stone for TC6
#853 opened by hron84 - 1
Glass not transparent.
#854 opened by IrinaIsha - 0
Shift + Click on an full inventory goes to fatal
#855 opened by DenizUgur - 1
Blocks change texture slightly when lighted by a moving/chaning ligth source
#856 opened by Hansibaba - 1
Error chisel con world edit
#862 opened by NewRaptor - 3
Anti-Blocks bug again
#861 opened by Palladium346 - 1
Game Freezes Often + Projects Becomes Suddenly Uneditable + Server Crashes
#863 opened by SamCupp - 0
Chisel are stackable per 64.
#865 opened by Jerome226 - 1
Missing CTM on multiples blocks.
#866 opened by Jerome226 - 0
Blocks don't render properly in Inventory.
#867 opened by Jerome226 - 8
Crash on trying to open the chisel gui
#868 opened by CritFlaw - 0
Holding Offset tool crashes game
#864 opened by PixusPanic - 0
Prismarine Twisted & Pillar Texture
#872 opened by Swedz - 0
1.16 Add support for using chiseled obsidian as nether portal frame
#873 opened by pupnewfster - 0
No JEI recipes
#874 opened by aaronhowser1 - 0
Cannot make Chisel Basalt using vanilla Basalt
#875 opened by aaronhowser1 - 2
Several blocks have a different texture in your inventory than when placed
#876 opened by aaronhowser1 - 6
Chisel throws render thread exceptions
#877 opened by RipleyHyena - 2
Ichisel contiguous modes not working
#878 opened by Wafelwaniliowy - 4
Change file names to match [a-z0-9/._-], to prevent ResourceLocationExceptions
#879 opened by aaronhowser1 - 0
Buggy? chiseling blocks.
#880 opened by Wafelwaniliowy - 8
Missing laboratory and factory blocks
#881 opened by SirEndii - 0
[1.16.5] Impossible to chisel coal blocks/no coal (raw) block
#882 opened by theboo - 1
1.16.5 Hitech Chisel Crash
#883 opened by Zonix-YT - 0
Prismarine Doesn't Render Properly (Opposite of #867)
#884 opened by AlkaliDawn - 1
Blocks change texture when placing a block nearby, walking or just doing nothing
#885 opened by crazyjerz4 - 1
Crash when trying to break FramedBlocks Slope with block from Chisel in it
#887 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Make the Large Fan Blocks and other Multiblock structures into separate blocks
#886 opened by aanokh - 2
Ghost blocks with chisel blocks
#888 opened by SirEndii - 1
Missing recipes
#889 opened by rVanix - 0
[1.16.5] The Auto Chisel crashes in Create mod contraptions
#890 opened by abovearth - 1
Textures do not connect.
#891 opened by isnotimportant - 1
[1.16.5] iChisel crashes client
#892 opened by nin8995 - 2
Bugging the start and crashes the game.
#893 opened by unutilisateurdegoogle