- 2
[1.11.2] CTM dependency
#458 opened - 24
Rendering issues (Mekanism pipes and EnderIO Travel Anchor)
#459 opened by erwin1234777 - 4
ColorHelper issue
#460 opened by NicosaurusRex99 - 3
[1.10.2] Chisel not being loaded on server
#461 opened by xXJamieXx - 2
Startup Crash (noob warning)
#462 opened by Oraiz - 2
[Feature Request] Add Marble, Limestone, Basalt to oredict
#463 opened by Endmateria - 6
[Info request] Using chisel blocks as camouflage for other blocks
#467 opened by desht - 1
[1.12] EntitySheep.getDyeRgb is not available on the server
#468 opened by AtomicBlom - 1
Unable to open iChisel interface after updating to 1.11.2-
#464 opened by ShadyShopkeep - 13
[1.11.2] iChisel Consuming Blocks
#465 opened by eelusm - 3
[1.10] Inability to add Marble from Project Red to Chisel-able blocks in the "marble" group
#466 opened by AlexanderBulanov - 0
[1.11.2] Interact with chisel when off-hand has a place-able item
#469 opened by Snownee - 2
[1.12] Concrete Feature overlapping with vanilla's own
#470 opened by starg09 - 2
1.11.2 ChiselFuelHandler crash
#472 opened by kitsushadow - 0
[1.12] NPE while browsing creative inventory,
#474 opened by Lothrazar - 2
1.11.2 Crash on launch
#471 opened by jcmgamer - 11
Chisel blocks used in worldgen don't seem to block sunlight
#476 opened by esotericist - 0
[1.12] Server on start up crash with Waila(hwyla)
#478 opened by ImAK9 - 1
[1.12] TD Covers connected textures
#479 opened by 016Nojr - 3
#475 opened by 3DLudi - 5
Crash upon updating screen events [1.12]
#481 opened by ImAK9 - 2
1.12 Got IMC spam
#482 opened by Darkhax - 5
crash with ore core basalt
#483 opened by cursinorock - 4
Crash when trying to chisel basalt (1.10)
#484 opened by warplord - 6
[1.12] Chisel blocks loosing their textures
#485 opened by Symbai - 1
Add ctm to required mods on startup
#480 opened by UnPure - 1
Ran into and issue......
#494 opened - 2
crash when trying to chisel marble blocks from astral sorcery
#496 opened by DietmarKrause - 2
[issue] chisel and biomes o plenty seems to not like eachother MC1.2 Forge
#497 opened by winsrp - 5
[1.12] Crash With Tinker's Construct
#498 opened by CluelessPhil - 4
Chisel not loading
#486 opened by Cyberwolfent - 2
Chiseling metal blocks problem (1.10)
#487 opened by warplord - 3
1.11.2 0.0.13-21 Client crash when trying to chisel quark Basalt
#488 opened by leagris - 3
When I try to chisel a birch bookcase game crashes
#489 opened by senpaisayss - 1
Crash when using the Chisel (GUI)
#490 opened by AmduX - 3
missing block smashingrock causes connection fail to server
#491 opened by ToserBan - 1
Marble from Astral Sorcery Crash
#492 opened by TrikSteve - 2
Dupe when chisel breaks
#501 opened by KidsDontPlay - 1
1.11.2 crash
#502 opened by jcmgamer - 2
[Resource] es_VE translation
#503 opened by Dorzar - 23
Waterstone Odd Texture bug 1.10.2
#499 opened by deadspidervenom - 5
User uncovered cascading worldgen with chisel [1.11.2]
#500 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Client Crash when JEI attempts to render Chisel Paper Microblocks
#504 opened by sab0tic - 1
Chisel crash when rendering oak book shelf in JEI
#505 opened by TehFoxFire - 3
Blocks aren't rendered Properly - Pink and Black Blocks with Text on them
#506 opened by scaredtodeaf - 1
Chisel X Tech Reborn
#507 opened by NoctisNocturnal - 1
Clicking a Abstrute Platform from Botania that disguised as Cobblestone Dent in Chisel
#511 opened by Pythonic-Rainbow - 5
Integrating Chisel 3 blocks
#508 opened by rockobonaparte - 5
Did you remove pumpkins?
#509 opened by Jiinxycat - 1
[1.11.2] Strange light behaviour with chiseled covers/drawers
#510 opened by PearlCanopus