Chocolate Sprinkle

Chocolate Sprinkle


Add some sprinkles to yo vanilla Minecraft! Chocolate Sprinkles adds some recipes that are missing from vanilla Minecraft and adds recipes for both emerald and obsidian, while keeping the vanilla feel. might as well think you have no mods installed!


-Adds missing recipes for horse armor, name tag, saddle, and chainmail armor

-Adds recipes to use saplings to craft slimeballs

-Adds recipes to craft sand from all types of sandstone

-Adds emerald tools and armor

-Adds obsidian tools and armor

-Configuration file to allow players/admins to control which recipes to allow


Chainmail Recipes

Emerald Armor

Emerald Tools

Emerald materials are less durable than diamond, however they are faster and has better enchantability.

Obsidian Armor

Obsidian Tools

Obsidian materials are more durable than diamond and stronger, however they are slower and have less enchantability.

Horse Armor

Name Tag





Well please use the included issue tracker! Please include as much detail as you can, as well as any screenshots. Additionally provide Chocolate Sprinkle's, Forge's, and Minecraft's versions with your submission!



aquajonah's 1.8 Vanilla-Like Technic modpack

Author's Note:

Yay another typical 'vanilla' style mod. There seems like there are so many of these mods for unknown reasons (probably because its the 'hello world' of Minecraft mods). So why am I releasing another one into the wild? Well for a couple reasons. I have been following Minecraft modding for a couple of years now, and everytime I dived into it I have never actually completed a mod (either because of time issues, lack of understanding, or both). This mod was created as a means to 'kill many birds with one stone'. First and foremost, my friends began to play Minecraft again, and we were constantly aggravated with the lack of some essential vanilla recipes that were missing in vanilla Minecraft. No horse armor? Ok cool, but no saddles, or even a way to recycle sand from different types of sandstone? Come on....really? Second, with the huge internal changes to the code, there are not many Minecraft mods for 1.8. I like 1.8 and I'm tired of 1.6/1.7, so the only logical thing to do was move forward. I'm sure others would like more 1.8 mods as well. Third, I needed the experience. I have done a couple computer courses and currently doing engineering. Creating a mod is an excellent way for me to understand what is going on under the hood of Java and Minecraft. And because of the code changes to 1.8, this was probably the right time to (git) commit to a mod, when everyone is trying to understand the basics again, and everyone is exploring how 1.8 works. Fourth and final reason, is because I'm bored. Do you know how fun and challenging programming can be? For some reason I'm weird and enjoy trying to troubleshoot bugs and crashes. Again, with the new internal code changes, the language being Java, and knowing how chaotic mods are to install sometimes, this seemed to be the perfect time to create a mod. After viewing what I could actually do with mods, many ideas sprung to mind. Henceforth what began as a small mod for personal uses, is now the pioneer in what I hope will eventually become a multi-part mod. So instead of having Chocolate Sprinkle as just a small mod for friends, I decided to release it to the public so I can get the feedback (good and bad), and to see if I can gather interest to create a new tech based mod. 

TLDR: Chocolate Sprinkle was a private mod but I want to share it so I don't want to hear complaints about 'another vanilla mod'. Also there will most likely be other mods coming soon.

Legal Stuff:

Chocolate Sprinkle has all rights reserved unless explicitly stated. Curse is the only website in which Chocolate Sprinkle will be hosted from, and should not be hosted anywhere else. Users looking to use Chocolate Sprinkle in their modpacks may do so under the condition that they message me so that I can add it to a list for others to view.