Choup's Drakvyrn Mod brings the Drakvyrn : a smaller yet undeniably cooler dragon like entity.
Dependencies :
To run the mod you'll need to download Geckolib in the correct version, i also recommend to download JEI !
Where to start ?
Firstly, you'll need to craft a "Drakvyrn Amulet" the recipe is expensive because the item allows you to spawn a Wild Drakvyrn.
When you spawn him, you need to make a choice, you can fight the Drakvyrn or tame him with either "Raw Meat on A Bone" or "Cooked Meat on A Bone". Drakvyrns are controlled by the "Drakvyrn Staff".
After he died, the Drakvyrn will drop a "Drakvyrn Essence Bottle" to spawn a tamed version of the entity !
Drakvyrns :
They exist in 8 colors with 2 of them (Warped, Crimson) for the Nether.
Drakvyrns drop "Drakvyrn Scales", you can make some armors with them, and some "Drakvyrn Bones" to make some Tools.
Disclaimer :
The mod is currently in BETA it means that there is some bugs with animations, AI, tags... Please report any issues in the "comments" section.
In the future, I'd like to improve the mod and add more entities, but the main body of the mod is done !
Some Cool Images :
(Some of the ) Items :
Drakvyrns :
Armors :
Credits :
-Logo is from The Calamity Mod from Terraria !
-Some textures are also inspired by this cool Terraria Mod !
-And other are inspired by the great Ice And Fire !
-This mod is made with Mcreator !
-With the help of the Nerdy's Geckolib Plugin !